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Violet’s Birth Story
Violet Anne Spena November 9th, 3:50 a.m. 8 lb 3 oz I found out I was pregnant back in March, on the anniversary of finding out I was expecting Abigail, 13 years earlier. My initial due date ended up being 11/17, but at my 20 week ultrasound baby measured consistently ahead and matched an 11/12…
Raw Milk Ice Cream With Eggs
Made with super nourishing ingredients and oh so delicious, if you have a family milk cow or access to raw dairy near you, this homemade raw milk ice cream with eggs recipe is a must! This summer, after finally weaning our beef steer and finishing calf sharing with our dairy cow, Lucy- the cream is…
Caramel Sauce With Coconut Sugar
Homemade Caramel Sauce With Coconut Sugar This homemade caramel sauce with coconut sugar recipe makes basically everything better. I’ve been on a mega homemade ice cream kick lately and I had wondered to myself if I could make a somewhat healthy topping to use with my vanilla ice cream recipe- and after a lot of…
Healthy Homemade Gummies With Gelatin
You only need a few simple ingredients to make these delicious and healthy homemade gummies with gelatin that both kids and adults will love! As I’ve been spending more and more time in our farmhouse kitchen these days, I’m constantly on the hunt for snacks and foods that I used to buy previously- but now…
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Soft, moist, and delicious banana chocolate chip muffins! We have been using and loving this recipe in our home for actual YEARS now and they never miss. These muffins are the perfect way to use up ripe bananas and turn them into a delicious breakfast or snack. They’re so incredibly easy to make and use…