It’s The Little Things: Puddle Leaf Fishing

On Saturday, while Daddy was busy playing soccer, Abigail and I had fun playing over on the track doing really fun and adventurous little kid stuff.

What child can resist a puddle of standing water? None that I know of.

It was a beautiful day out and a teensy bit overcast, so I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to bring my big girl camera and snap some pictures of my little while using some of the new techniques that I have been learning from my class!
{Which let me add, I am *finally* starting to understand some of the concepts. It’s a huge learning curve, but I’m getting there! If you want to take a class yourself, here is the link to the website: Nicole’s Classes}

She had a stick that we would use to fish out the leaves. Then, she would take them over to a grate nearby and lay them out to “grill”. She was cooking up some fish for a nice soup for us.

It was a beautiful day with my beautiful girl. I really cherished it.


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    1. I saved my pennies for it! One year for Christmas it was all I asked for. Amazon gift cards or money to put towards a new camera and lens. I bought the body alone on amazon and the lens at best buy during their after Christmas specials. It didn't break the bank as much as I thought it would 🙂

    1. Yes, it's all online! You don't have to do the homework, but it's obviously good to help solidify what you're learning. He also got me the book that goes with the class so that once the stuff that is online goes away I'll still have the book to reference.

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