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Happy Halloween!

Wow! What a fun Halloween weekend! It was a total whirlwind of fun and festivities, but a wonderful time was had by all!

On the Tuesday before Halloween, I tried on Mabel’s intended costume(the bunny that Abigail and I both wore!) but 1) the head was too small and 2) it was supposed to be 85 on Halloween and that thing is like a parka. Soooo I tried on Abigail’s Cinderella work dress, hoping that it would fit! Spoiler alert: it didn’t. Way, way too big on her still. So I frantically ran out to Amazon trying to find a costume that wouldn’t be hot, a million dollars, and could get here by Friday since we had a Halloween party on Saturday night!

Alice fit the bill! I already had the tights and shoes, so it was perfect. And honestly, once it got here and she put it on I JUST LOVED it. So, in the end, I’m kind of glad for that 85+ Halloween weather!


Meanwhile, Miss Abigail has been asking to be a robot for years. So, we finally agreed to make her the robot costume of her dreams.


The entire robot costume was Abigail’s vision. She worked on it many nights with Jim and I think it turned out *pretty* awesome, if I don’t say so myself! It’s so completely Abigail. She could hardly walk, see, hear, or grab candy in it, but she loved it, lol! So, I guess we’ll still call it a win 😉 (ps, those bulbs on her costume were lights that actually lit up!)

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Alice In Wonderland Costume

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Miss Mabel loved her costume too! She loves to wear headbands, so she was all about her entire get up.

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On Saturday night, we had a party with some friends at our church. One of my good friends put together tons of amazing crafts and activities for the kids to do and everyone ate copious amounts of nachos and it was fantastic!

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Then, on the actual day, we headed to Jim’s office for trick or treating! We have done this every single year and it is just the best! We get there of an afternoon and it is indoors and laid back- and best of all, not scary! Totally kid friendly, lots of candy, and it is always fun to get to visit his co-workers!

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Don’t worry, she was totally fine. Just being a pill 😉 Which is why I had to capture it on film. Maybe this one will make it into the graduation slideshow one day?

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After trick or treating at Jim’s office, we came home and fixed dinner in the dark, ate in the dimmed lights of our boarded up dining room, and watching Curious George Boofest in a pitch black house while we hid out from trick or treaters! ha!

All in all, another wonderful Halloween celebration with our girls! (Though, who can forget the adorable strawberries from last year!)


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  1. Oh how I love both of their costumes! Mabel makes the cutest Alice and Abigail is the best robot! That thing is awesome. What did Mabel think when she first saw the robot? I love safe and kid friendly events on Halloween! We do our church’s trunk or treat and I just love it. I adore the family picture.

  2. Two cute trick or treaters. I agree with you, some day she will love and laugh at her sweet little tears of, ” I am upset” picture. Thanks for saring

  3. The “robot costume of her dreams”!!! Bahahaha! It really is adorable and if anyone can rock a robot, it’s Abigail! I love it! (I also love your new bangs!)

  4. Your plan B costumes turned out darling! That Alice costume looks like it was made for Mabel and I adore the fact that Abigail designed her own robot. We love trick-or-treating at my husband’s office, too. We tried hard to avoid the spooky set up houses and luckily didn’t have too many frightening encounters. I would have hid out from the trick-or-treaters, but my husband was so excited to see them. He worked with Olive to give out candy and they had a blast.

  5. Yesssssss. These costumes are so perfect. Alice is obviously adorable. But, I’m so impressed Abigail’s costume was 100% her own. And the lights? Best costume detail, ever!

  6. The girls look so great! Abigail seems to have the best imagination. And I canNOT get over how great you look with your new hair cut!!

  7. Well, goodness gracious. Your girls are just adorable. I LOVE that Abigail wanted to be a robot and that you helped make that happen for her this year. Her costume is absolutely amazing. And light up lights?! Yes please! I feel like she’ll remember this Halloween for always. Also, can we just talk about little Miss Mabel? How does she just keep getting cuter and cuter?! Also, will you please come bribe my boys and actually get some decent pictures out of them?! They are impossible I tell ya! 🙂

  8. I always love seeing kids dressed up for Halloween. I am totally digging that Abigail’s costume dreams came true and she looks like a great robot!

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