One Year In Our Home Tour

Who is ready for a new and updated home tour?!?! It is absolutely crazy to me that we have lived in our new home for one whole year now! We are seriously so happy living in this house.

Some of the things that I worried about before we moved in(like having a detached garage or a laundry room in the basement) have turned out to be non-issues and/or perks of this house!

And some of the main reasons that we bought this house: location, 4th bedroom, backyard- have been absolutely amazing to us. Every day we wake up here and can’t believe that this place is ours!

In our first year of living here we(read: Jim) have done SO MUCH WORK.

I thought it would be fun to do a current home tour to show the current state of things and to list/show off everything that we have done so far! And at some point, I’d love to put together another post listing everything that we hope to do this coming year(but this post had gotten long enough, so we’ll save that for another day!)

The Exterior

Here are some of the things that we have done to the outside of our home in no particular order:

Replaced Exterior Light On Garage

Replaced Side Door Extrance Exterior Light

Removed Front Shrubs

Built New Flower Beds

Stripped(and stripped some more), sanded, and stained front door

Built and installed window boxes

Re-wired garage

Trimmed Pine Tree

Vaccumed/Mulched Leaves

Cleaned Gutters

Fertilized & Seeded Entire Yard

Installed New Garage Door Opener

Trimmed Shrubs(multiple times!)

Installed Keyless Entry On Side Entrance

Removed Satellite Dish

Power Washed Deck

Stained Deck

Covered Columns

Painted Columns

Painted Shutters

Painted Deck Rails

Re-directed Conduit To Garage

Hung Up Deck Lights

Removed (giant) Dead Tree (professionally!) From Backyard

Whew! As you can see- this year we spent most of our time fixing and working on things on the outside of our house. You can see a full exterior tour in this post from earlier this summer!

The Entry Way

If there is any space that I have blogged about the most– it has got to be this entry way! With it’s low ceilings and interesting layout, it has been such a hard space for me to conquer! I’m happy with it currently…but you know me. I’ll probably change it up again at some point next year 😉

In this area we have:

Removed painted over wallpaper


Changed out the light fixture(twice)

Hung up the magnolia wreath and wall art

The Guest Room(and small hallway!)

This room is hardly ever used but it is seriously one of my favorite rooms in the house! It makes me so, so happy to know that our parents have a quiet and private place to stay whenever they come to visit. One of the biggest motivating factors for us in finding a new home with an extra bedroom was so that we could have a guest room for our frequent visits from grandparents! 🙂

In this room we have: 

Purchased the bed frame and mattress


Moved in the former living room tv after we upgraded!

Hung wall art

Changed out the light fixture in the hallway

The Downstairs Bathroom

This bathroom is the cutest! I love this little main level bathroom. Originally we thought the bathrooms would be some of the very first things we worked on after we moved in….but, nope. They continually fall further and further down the list(mostly because, expensive) mostly because, they’re okay how they are for now!

In this room we have:

Purchased and hung a shower curtain

Hung up my thrifted wire baskets!

Replaced the mirror

Replaced the light fixture

Tore down the painted over wall paper


The Living Room

Whew! This room has seen a lot of work(and by the looks of that mismatched painted ceiling…still has more to come in the days ahead)

In this room we have:


Purchased and assembled the desk

Upgraded the TV

Installed Chromecast so we can stream to the tv from our devices!

Purchased a new rug and various other pieces of furniture

Hung Curtains

The Dining Room

The dining room has probably seen the least amount of attention out of ALL the rooms in our house- but I like to think that 2017 is it’s year! Someday we’ll get to work on this space and I can.not.wait! I wanted to link to the Laura Ingalls Wilder picture that I have hanging up- but it is currently unavailable. Meanwhile, they have some other ADORABLE signs in their shop! Check them out HERE 🙂

In this room we have:

Hung curtains

Hung pictures

Rearranged the furniture about 100x

Moved out the Crate & Barrel table(anyone want to buy it + the chairs??) and moved in the new table my grandparents gave us when they sold their Indiana house!

The Sun Room

To be honest, this room is usually a disaster zone. I didn’t even bother to clean up before I took pictures because…meh. Fortunately, there are doors that I can close to this room. Unfortunately, they have windows in them.

In this room we have: 

Painted the walls + trim

Painted the ceiling

Painted the door

Installed a new light/ceiling fan

Purchased a space heater(this room isn’t heated!)

The Kitchen

Oh my little kitchen. I adore you! I have lots of plans for this area of our home as well….and I’m hoping 2017 is the year for all of that! But, as it stands, this little space has served me so well this last year.

And to all of your HGTV open floor plan loving folks, may you behold the awe and wonder of doors that can close off the sights and sounds of your children while you try to cook. It’s revolutionary.

In this room we have:

Painted the walls + pantry

Purchased a new refrigerator(the one that came with the house died two days after we moved in)

Changed out all four light fixtures

Installed a garbage disposal

Purchased and added the kitchen island(from ikea!)

Added wall art

Baby proofed!

The Staircase + Upstairs Hallway

I think the very first design decision that I made for this house(and possibly still my very favorite!) is the staircase gallery wall. I love how you can see it as soon as you enter our house and I love that I get to look at it every single time I go up or down the stairs(which is about 50x a day)

The things we have done in this room/area are:

Took down painted over wallpaper


Changed the light fixture

Hung the wall art

Purchased the table(after a few swings and misses!)

The Upstairs Bathroom

This bathroom needs a mega makeover, but that costs mega money. So! In the meantime….

The things we have done in this room are:


Installed a curved shower rod

Hung wall art

Changed out the mirror

Mabel’s Bedroom

If you’re interested, you can see what Mabel’s nursery looked like in our last home! This room is so practically custom tailored to her and all of her things, we haven’t had to do much in here quite yet!

The things we have done in this room so far are:

Hung wall art

Installed a window a/c unit

Hung curtains

Hung blinds

Abigail’s Bedroom

I did a full reveal and tour of her bedroom makeover this summer, but we have done a few more updates since then!

In this room we have:

Steamed and removed painted over wallpaper

Painted the walls + trim + doors

Added wall decals

Installed blinds

Hung wall art

Installed a ceiling fan + light

Master Bedroom

Another mostly neglected room of the house. We pretty much moved our stuff in on moving day and haven’t touched it since.

The things we have done in this room are: 

Installed blinds

Installed curtains

Hung wall art(literally, one thing. Ha!)

And that is everything! I’m super proud of all the things we have done in 2016 and I can’t wait to see what projects 2017 holds for us and our sweet new-to-us home. We love our subdivision, we love our neighbors, and we love our house! We are so lucky to get to live here and take the time to make it ours.

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  1. Your house is absolutely darling! I just love it so much. The built-ins, the front stairs…absolute perfection. You can tell how much you’ve made it your home. Also, love that Laura Ingalls quote…so good.

  2. Your home is beautiful!! There’s so much charm and character – what a treasure. You all have worked so hard and it’s amazing how many projects you accomplished in just one year. Watch out 2017! PS every time I see open shelves in a kitchen I now think of them in your kitchen 🙂 Excited to see how that plays out!

  3. I love our twinning minds. Great minds, great minds, my friend.
    Also, I hope you looked at that giant what we’ve done list and though, “Wow. We are awesome. Freaking awesome.”

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