Baby Spena Week 22

Symptoms: Yesterday, I drank a bottle of water at dinner. And then proceeded to pee SEVEN times in the next hour. So, I’d say peeing a lot is a pretty big symptom right now. I’ve been having some growing pains, possibly some mild braxton hicks? I’ve been having at least one bloody nose a day, which is just really super glamorous. Let me tell ya!

Body Image: I wrote about this a little on my Instagram yesterday and y’all were the sweetest. I honestly don’t know my current weight and it’s not like I’ve reached some point where I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life, but I am definitely bigger at this current point that I was with either girl and that has been surprisingly hard on me! I don’t know if it’s the difference of a boy pregnancy, the time of year(hello water retention + swelling), or the fact that I started this pregnancy a few pounds heavier than the girls, but I just feel like I’m huge already and get discouraged trying to get dressed or take a cute picture(the photo above was seriously like the one flattering out of about…30. God bless my Instagram husband). I tossed on a shirt that I wore at the very end of my pregnancy with Mabel to go to a baby shower this weekend and it was so tight I couldn’t hardly move my arms! I was like…say what?! So, I don’t even know.

I know this. I’m so, so crazy happy and incredibly thankful for my body for growing and taking such good care of this baby boy. And I know that I will lose the weight for a third time, just like I have done twice before(which, suckssss, but I digress) And I know that I look at other pregnant women and think they are the loveliest, most beautiful things in the world, but somehow I can’t seem to find it inside myself to extend that grace to me.  I know I’m being hard on myself! I know it….but I can’t seem to stop it.

I’m crazy and hormonal right now, what can I say.

Cravings: I ate half of a green bell pepper with lunch yesterday and it was like the first vegetable in….a long time and it brought me so much happiness. So, more green bell peppers please!

Size Of Baby: Spaghetti squash! They say almost a pound and 11 inches long- but I think he’s likely bigger than that. He was measuring 14 oz at our ultrasound 2 weeks ago, so I think he’s probably heftier than what the predictors say. Either way, growing boy!

Movement: Plenty of that! I obviously get busy and don’t usually notice him during the day, but as soon as I sit or lie down there he is! He especially loves to roll around and kick between 11-12 pm. So that bodes well for my sleep later this year…..

Sleep: Sleeping good. I have a hard time winding down and stay up super late…but then once I’m asleep I’m pretty good to go. Though I did just order myself a pregnancy pillow(FINALLY) and it should be here later today…I’m hoping!

Clothing: I finally pulled the trigger on an Old Navy order this weekend. One pair of maternity shorts was NOT cutting it and I decided I needed some more breezy cotton dresses as well(cuz…hot outside). Hopefully they fit okay! If so, I’ll be sure to report back here with links and pictures!

Gender: Definitely a baby boy!

Purchases: No purchases, but I have received some amazing baby boy things in the mail this last week or two that I am SO excited about! I shared a bunch of them on my Instagram stories yesterday, but don’t worry if you missed them, I’ll be sharing them in a few Friday posts soon!

Looking Forward To: A three day weekend this week! Hooray!

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  1. You look amazing!! And like Laura said, we are all our own worst critics. I think you look amazing and just think of what you get at the end… to see that super sweet little babe of yours. It’s all worth it. Now go buy some dresses so you don’t melt over the summer (believe me, I know, summer in CA and a baby born in July ugh.)!

  2. You are beautiful!!!! I can definitely relate (god bless those IG hubbies) — but you look amazing and are creating a baby BOY! XO

  3. Thinking of you!! I think you look so pretty!! My best advice is to buy some things that you feel really great wearing and try not to do too much comparing. When I’m pregnant I only keep things in my closet if they make me feel good. Everything else gets put away so I don’t end up feeling bad every day when I get dressed. Try to remind yourself that you’re super healthy growing a sweet little boy and keep taking those bump pictures. When I start being hard on myself I try to remind myself that I’d never say those things to another person.

  4. You look amazing! I love that adorable bump. I’m so happy for you!
    As for the bloody noses, I never had one until I was pregnant. I didn’t get them often, but I think I got one with each pregnancy. SO weird!

  5. I agree with you, growing boys is a different ball game. We can eat chips and complain together, ok?! 🙂

  6. First off, you look adorable! I read your post yesterday and can totally relate. I’m in the same boat, I was heavier in the beginning this time around + when only carbs sound good…it doesn’t help. It’s really hard to embrace some days but at the same time I know I need to give myself some grace. We’ll have some beautiful babies to show for it at the end of it!

  7. You may not feel it, but you really do look amazing! I hope the clothes you ordered give you a good boost of confidence, because you wear that baby bump beautifully!

  8. Ooo I hope you love your ON stuff! I’ve loved everything I’ve bought from there. The online reviews really helped me choose the best size, etc. Hope it works for you!

  9. you are such a radiant beauty!!! i relate to being hard on yourself, completely. but you shouldn’t be!!! you look amazing!!! ahh, i am still so excited for you guys!!

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