Baby Spena Week 23
So here we are! Well past the halfway mark and just a few days away from viability(a huge wave of relief comes with that!)
Currently in that blissful stage where I’m no longer sick at all and not as big as a house(well…it feels like that, but somehow I’m going to manage to still get even bigger and bigger before all is said and done!) and feeling him in there all throughout the day(the best!)
For posterity’s sake, and my rapidly diminishing by the day memory….here are some stats from this week!
Symptoms: Not too much to mention here! I am still sleepy a lot, I just overall feel big and poofy, my skin is still crazy dry, and I’m peeing all of the time(perhaps why my skin is dry?? lol) but really, no complaints.
Except for the weight gain- I could complain about that. I weighed in yesterday and I never know which weight to go with from their crazy up and down scale. The weight that is up when I first step on? When it fluctuates? When it stops? But then after it stops it changes again? I don’t know. I weighed myself on our home scale and added 3lb to it because that seems to be fairly accurate to my dr’s scale at her old office…which then brings me to 156 lb, which is +16 since the start.
Body Image: You know what you shouldn’t have to do at 6 months pregnant? Go swimsuit shopping. That is just cruel and unusual punishment. I’ve been fortunate to find a one piece and a two piece that should get me through public appearances at the pool this summer….still ain’t pretty though. woof.
Cravings: Hmm, nothing too specific? I’m pretty much back to eating regularly, which I’m so glad for!
Oh yeah! I went to Sam’s Club by myself for the first time last week I think it was? And I came home with five(yeah….five) different kinds of cheeses. LOL. Jim was like….um?
Size Of Baby: Large mango! 11 inches and over a pound! The app says “you MAY be able to see baby squirm under you clothes” um…that’s going to be a mega definitely there babycenter app.
Movement: Plenty of that! Jim feels him every night and Abigail has gotten in on it a few times now too. I can’t wait for my Mom to visit soon and get to feel him too!
Sleep: Y’alllllll I finally bought the snoogle. WHY DID I NOT BUY THIS SOONER. GAME CHANGER.
Clothing:Â I’ve been wearing out this Ingrid & Isabel tank dress…..super regretting only getting one. I want every color! I snagged a similar tank dress from Old Navy, but it’s a totally different fabric. I think I’ll wear them both absolutely OUT this summer! I also got some new shorts because ONE pair was just not cutting it, lol. These bermudas are great, along with these shorties(I’m wearing them right now!)
Gender:Â Baby boy Finn (No Middle Name Because We Can’t Agree) Spena!
Purchases: Other than the pillow, the Old Navy haul, and my gold dusted prenatals(but seriously, they’re thee best) not much else this week!
Looking Forward To:Â A weekend in Kansas City! Jim and I are going to take a mini baby moon :p and leave the girls with his parents Friday to sneak away for a night….and maybe an Ikea stop for baby boy nursery things the next day! Should be fun!
And just for fun, here is Mabel’s week 23 update!
Can I just say that even though it feels icky now, and it can be hard to bounce back from, your baby is growing safely-so the weight is just par for the course, even tho it stinks.
I mean I still have 30# on you (but I have lost 36# since Jan) and I am half your height (ok maybe not really) and I’ve never had a child at all. Please be laughing at that visual.
In other words, you look beautiful growing a baby.
Random question, was it you that had to go into (probably not right term) a cellar when pregnant because of tornadoes? Like with Abigail? Is that the tornado you speak of?
Jealous of your baby moon! And that dress was seriously made for you!!!
Just give Finn 2 middle names!! Go for it! Many people do! : ) Or a combination of both names???
You look adorable!!!! That dress is perfect!
You’re doing great!! Love this outfit on you – those booties are too cute 🙂 Your cheese story made me laugh and I’m so glad you’re getting to go on a babymoon. Hope you find some great stuff at IKEA!
You look fabulous. I wish I could say I looked that good when I was 23 weeks pregnant. Never would I even think, let on talk about wearing a two piece. Pregnancy looks good on you. Keep up the great job
you look amazing!!!!! i can’t wait for you to have a delicious baby man muffin to snuggle!!!