
Baby Spena Week 33

I seriously can’t believe how close we are getting to meeting our baby boy! There are a few more things to get in order and some fun plans for the month of August, but after that…he’s pretty much welcome anytime! (ACK)

I randomly found this dress at Goodwill during my pregnancy with Mabel, (you can see me wearing it in this bumpdate!) and it has been fun to wear it again. I sold pretty much everything after Abigail, so I didn’t get to reuse things and have fun comparison pictures like this time!

This week’s stats!

Symptoms: First leg cramp of this pregnancy showed up last night….ugh! Though it seems it’s a little later than with Mabel, so I’ll call that a win!

Tons of low back pain. I can hardly roll over or get up after laying on my side. Every single time there is this HUGE pop/crack in my low back that just killlllls. For the first time ever, I’m kind of considering maybe going to a chiropractor…because ow.

Occasional heartburn, tons of trips to the bathroom, some mild ankle and finger swelling…kind of hoping it doesn’t get any worse than it is but with seven weeks to go…..

Cravings: Coke always sounds good! Jim took me on a date last Friday for shaved ice and it was heavenly. I got half cotton candy and half wedding cake- it was bliss.

Size Of Baby: Apparently way bigger than I’d realized! (No wonder I feel like a giant) Pineapple, 4.5 pounds, and likely almost full length! Somewhere in the 17-19 inches long range.

Movement: So. Much. Movement. Always. I don’t think he ever sleeps, for real.

Sleep: Speaking of sleep, I’m still sleeping well! Seriously that snoogle was the best purchase of my LIFE. Rolling over sucks, getting up to pee sucks too, but the actual laying in bed/sleeping portion of the night is pretty great!

Clothing: Getting tricky. My shirts are starting to ride up(usually without my notice, lol) and pants are getting tighter and tighter….woof. Not sure how I’m going to manage dressing myself for 7 more weeks, but we’ll see what I can manage(probably not much more than old t shirts and Jim’s basketball shorts)

Purchases: Can you believe that I haven’t made any purchases over the last few weeks?! I do have some really fun baby gear collabs coming up over the next few weeks though, so that’s always really exciting! 🙂

I also took the time to do inventory of the things we have so far and washed all of his newborn items and blankets and swaddles, etc. So those are all ready to go!

Looking Forward To: Nothing this week or weekend, but next week is going to be filled with all sorts of awesome things! But I’ll tell you all about that stuff later 🙂

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  1. Take it from a doula that has horrible back pain in pregnancy – a Webster certified chiropractor is worth their weight in gold! Go! It can make for a shorter and easier labor too!!

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