
I Had A Moment In The Mall

A week or so ago Abigail and I had some errands to run. Nothing out of the ordinary. We usually have errands to take care of together. We needed to go to the mall to make a return and shop for a Christmas present for Aunt ME.

This trip was unusual though. She was so big. She walked beside me and we talked the entire time. She helped me choose which color scarf to buy for Aunt ME and then asked if she could carry the bag around the mall. I offered for us to stop in Bath & Body Works and smell some candles. She was enthusiastic and an awesome candle smeller. Who knew that a four year old could have such superb candle choosing senses?

After we had our fill of candles, it was close to lunch time so I asked if she’d like to sit down to Chick Fil A with me. She excitedly agreed so we sat down to a lunch together where we spent some more time just talking.

And then, I had a moment.

I looked at this girl, who is growing so fast. And I thought about how this is the sort of stuff that you dream up when the ultrasound tech tells you, “it’s a girl!”

And then I thought about how not only am I living out that dream currently, but that now I know someday sooner than I could imagine I will be doing this sort of thing with TWO daughters, it just hit me and made me feel all of the feels. This is the good stuff. Right here. The nothing in particular, unplanned, lunch at CFA in the mall food court.

A moment.

(Before you think this story is too perfect, we finished up lunch and she spilled her chocolate milk down the front of her coat because she was goofing around. #RealTalk)


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  1. Love those moments like that. You will continue having these moments for years to come friend. I have them all the time. I also have moments of watching them and I just well up with tear because I am so happy that they not only have each other but they have a sister. Something magical that I ALWAYS wondered what it would be like. So, so blessed.

  2. Such a sweet memory. I look forward to those moments with my own little gal one day:) I know Caleb and I will have some moments of our own in the near future, but that mommy-daughter bond is something so special. I'm so glad to be able to get to look forward to that!:)

  3. Awwww, so sweet. You guys deserve every happiness in the world. Maddy is starting to get to this place and you're right – it's everything you think of and more when you find out you're having a girl. I can't wait to see how happy A is being a big sister. She will be amazing. XOXO

  4. Love this post!!! So very sweet. Ironically enough these are the little moments that make me anxious over the changing dynamic. Lily is my right hand gal right now. We do and experience everything together and I'm so nervous about losing lots of those moments with the addition of another babe. Don't get me wrong, I'm so over the moon excited. Just anxious, ya know?

  5. First let me start by saying, I LOVE having a boy. I love Mason with all my heart. I am totally content being a boy mom. BUT things like this make me wish for a second that I had a daughter. BUT on that same note, maybe just maybe my little side kick will be a good sport and will take a trip with me to the mall. Maybe? A girl can dream!

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