Spena Baby Week 21
I haven’t done a weekly baby update since week 17! Woops. I feel like I’ve been talking about baby a lot recently, with gender predictions and announcements and ultrasounds, but I haven’t done a symptom by symptom report for a month! A lot has changed since week 17 FOR SURE so here we go 🙂
I love reading other mama’s weekly updates, so I hope y’all enjoy them a little bit too!
I like this picture because it looks like I don’t have a butt. This is not true. But for this picture, let’s pretend that it is. Thankssss.
Oh hey big bumpin! She’s loud and proud now, isn’t she?
Guys, I’m so high fashion you don’t even know. Mastering candid maternity shots and everything.
Weight Gain | At my appointment yesterday I discovered that I gained 6 pounds since my last appointment. OOF. Thanks Christmas and baby growth spurt and my 20 week half baked solo ice cream indulgence! Anyway, that puts me at +12 at week 21. I only have to gain 1 lb per week to hit my “goal” of 30 pounds gained, so HA. Looks like that isn’t happening.
Truthfully, I do remember with Abigail gaining the bulk of my weight in 2nd tri. I remember thinking “OH CRAP” and then somehow the weight gain super slowed down and I ended up gaining 31 pounds with her. So, who knows, maybe that’ll happen again. Or, maybe not.
It doesn’t matter much either way, but it feels impossible to stop thinking/talking about it at the same time.
Symptoms | Hmm, let’s see. Round ligament pain, BIG TIME. A few Braxton hicks here are there. Peeing all the time. I got overly confident the other morning and started rummaging around in the fridge for things, then I gagged, and that always leads to vomiting. Blah. But, the puking is basically done so, that’s mostly it for this week.
Cravings/Aversions | The aversions are gone! Woohoo!! I have been successfully eating my fruits and veggies again and it feels so good. I still have a hard time choking down my prenatals/supplements but other than that it’s fairly smooth sailing.
Missing Most | Stomach sleeping. It will be nice to be able to do that again…someday 🙂
Size Of Baby |
Pomegranate! Or….carrot?
From babycenter(LOL):
Editors’ note: We know what you’re thinking – “There’s no way my baby is the size of a carrot. I feel ginormous!” Well, as much time as we spent at the farmer’s market and on the USDA site, it wasn’t easy to find the perfect produce for every week of development. The carrot is just an approximation.
10.5 inches and 12.7 oz
Movement | Tons and tons and tons. I swear she is always moving. Jim has had lots of opportunities to feel her wiggling around and just yesterday afternoon I was able to see her moving THROUGH my maternity jeans and tank top. She’s strong and she’s got the energies.
Goodbye my ribs, I should have always appreciated you more.
Sleep | No complaints here! I wish I could sleep on my stomach but my side/back gets the job done just fine.
Clothing | If I’m not in sweats or pajamas, which is most of the time, then I’m in maternity jeans with a tank, cardigan, and scarf thrown on top. Plus boots, so it’s been good for wintertime.
Speaking of, I walked past a mirror the other day while wearing my winter coat and it looks REDONK. It will literally be a stretch to make it last through the winter. Since we’re still wearing coats in March and sometimes April, I think it’s safe to say I’ll have to get creative when it comes to being warm while out and about in a few more weeks.
Gender | Sweet baby Mabel girl!
Purchases | I just couldn’t take it anymore! I HAD to buy something for this girl! (I mean, aside from the damage I did at Hobby Lobby the day we found out she was a she) So, I took advantage of the Carter’s online sale + 15% off code + free shipping code to get Miss Mabel some itsy bitsy teeny summery things like onesies and cotton sleepers.
Nursery | Speaking of purchases, that Land Of Nod box holds a small but fun little something for Mabel’s room. Nesting mode has kicked in and the plans for ME’s nursery are taking shape! I’ve been busy this week working on clearing out the playroom/schoolroom/bonus room to have it totally emptied of anything but Mabel’s things and getting it ready for paint!
I have swatches hanging up on the walls as I try to deliberate on the best white to use, I’m doing online research on which glider I want to buy, and of course, I’m busy pinning away all sorts of fun ideas and projects for Jim to work on 😉
You can see my Pinterest board for Mabel’s nursery: HERE!
Best Part Of The Week |
It’s basically a three way tie between hearing her heartbeat yesterday, seeing her kicking from the outside, and finally starting my SECOND little girl’s bedroom. All the feels.
Can’t Wait For |
My ultrasound on the 29th! It will be fun to get to see how much she has grown and changed over the last few weeks.
I had my appointment last night (23 weeks), and I gained 6 lbs since the last one, 4 weeks ago, too. My dr. was like, honey, you're fine! I've seen some ladies come in with 10 lb weight gains. Bless her heart for making me feel ok. I think the 2nd tri is for gaining. 🙂
The cutest – you are glowing!!! Can't wait to see the nursery ideas & YAY for baby girl shopping! XO
Just. Adore. You! …And that striped top. Swoon! xx
You are looking great! I am in full nesting too and it is so fun!
You look great and are totally glowing! I LOVE your sweet baby bump and love that you can really see her now 🙂 Decorate away mama! Can't wait to see her nursery!
You look so great! What a perfectly cute little bump! 🙂 I'm still kinda waiting for mine to come in, haha. But I'm 19 weeks today and so excited to find out the gender next week! Going to check out your nursery pinboard now!
I can't wait to see how the nursery is coming together. Color schemes and decorations. And girl idk about you but for me this second pregnancy I feel like the only thing helping me stay on a healthy(ish) path is drinking smoothies in this 2nd trimester. Not sure if they will settle right with you but they have been a life saver for me, making sure i get some good food in my system.
=) & you're maternity style rocks.
I don't care how much weight you've gained, you look amazing!! You're still so small with the perfect little bump! I'm also curious what Stitch Fix sent you! I got mine yesterday and it was a total DUD! Like, I'm keeping one item so to not lose my $20, but that's it. 🙁
I feel like I definitely gained the bulk of my weight with Caleb in second trimester too. It's like it plateaued and after that, and I don't think I added more than 2-3 pounds during whole third tri. Definitely hoping that's the case this time around too:) Loving all the progress you have made with the nursery. I am SO behind on all of that! We have so much to do, I get a bit freaked out thinking about it, lol!:)
My first thought was daymn look at your hair!!! Looking good mama!!! So lookin forward to MEs nursery!!
You look fabulous! I think the baby app vegetables are hilarious. One week mine said spaghetti squash and the next said mango. Um what?! haha. Can't wait to see more nursery progress!
AHH! Mabel girl is totally popping out! I love that sweet bump and that adorable picture of you!! I also love that huge mail haul and hope you got some fun stuff. Oh, and how interested do you think your friend would be in making me one of those boards?!…but really? Haha!
You are getting so much done! How exciting! And how wonderful for you to be over those food aversions. I feel the same about the weight gain … I'm hoping it's the same for me, and that you stick close to your goal. 🙂
You are looking amazing!! Loving the sneak peeks of decor so far!!
Are you getting maternity items in your Stitch Fix? I received 6 "maternity" fixes and didn't keep a single maternity item! I kept purses and sweaters and jewelry but all their maternity items are ridiculously high priced!
Yes! Just my last box and this one. I have a post coming Wednesday about what I got in this box(spoiler alert, this gray and black shirt was in it!)
Just catching up on your blog and that adorable bump! I love the name Mabel and I'm so excited for you to experience TWO girls… I'm a little partial! 😉
I am loving those decorations you got! Can't wait to see the completed nursery!
You have the most adorable bump in all the land!!!
I cannot wait for the nausea to pass. And the food aversions. And the gagging down the prenatal vitamins. HA!
But, I also cannot wait to feel those baby movements and hiccups. Are you feeling the hiccups yet (those were always my favorite)?
That bump!? I just wanna rub it and talk baby talk to her. Can I cyber "adopt" her? I need some girl in my life.
You look amazing, Courtney!! You make pregnancy look so good – makes me want to do it again!
You just look so fabulous! Love the updates on you and your sweet Mabel!