
Spena Baby Week 23

Oh glorious back end of 2nd tri, you are good to me. Finally beyond the puking, finally eating relatively normal again, but not enormous and uncomfortable. Enjoying sweet little kicks and rolls, still fitting in my “cute” clothes, and just generally loving this stage of the pregnancy game.

If you remember from a month or so ago, I mentioned that we were having a follow up ultrasound today to check for cleft palette/cleft lip. So, so thankful everything was beyond perfect. We saw her mouth, lips, and nose first thing and they looked exactly as they should. Then we double checked that she hadn’t turned into a Finn since a month ago and after that everything was just gravy. Super super thankful. She had her hands tucked up to her chest, they’re never in her face like Abigail’s always were, she was wiggling around but much more cooperative this morning, and we managed to get some crappy pictures 😉 Apparently hospital grade ultrasound photos are much better. Who knew!

My in house photographer wasn’t on her A game today, so bathroom mirror selfie city it is.

Weight Gain | Don’t even want to know.

Symptoms | Oh just peeing every ten minutes. Really. I’m going to be in diapers before this shindig is over.

Cravings/Aversions | Not to toot my own horn here too much, but broccoli and I have been bff’s for the last week or so. Can’t get enough. I’ve been having at least one huge serving of it a day, it tastes so good to me right now.

Missing Most | Not peeing every ten minutes? I told Jim the other day that I was excited for nursing in a few months when I’ll basically never pee again. I remember that being so awesome.

Size Of Baby | 

Grapefruit/ Large Mango

11.5 inches and over a lb! (confirmed 1 lb and 6 oz at my ultrasound today!)

Movement | Oh yes, she is a mover! And she has had a growth spurt of late as well, I can now feel her kicking and bumping above belly button level. She’s migrating north! (Farewell, ribs)

Sleep | No complaints! I have taken a few extra naps recently, but for the most part my energy levels have been back to normal.

Clothing | All maternity pants or sweats. Luck of the draw when it comes to tops.

Gender |
A sweet little girl! Our Mabel Elizabeth. (confirmed again today, whew!!!)

Purchases | I haven’t bought anything recently, but a girl at my MOPS table is moving and brought an ENORMOUS bag of teensy little baby girl clothes from her May baby to give away. I got some amazingly adorable things(some even still had tags on!!) that are just perfect for the season she’s going to be born in. Really, it was amazing.

Nursery | I just wrote about this yesterday!

Best Part Of The Week | Well, it’s a tie between Abigail talking to my belly(mouth to skin, of course) telling her sister to kick in the sweetest and gentlest baby voice you’ve ever heard and getting to see Mabel on the ultrasound this morning. I love both of my girls so much!

Can’t Wait For | Abigail and I are going to be taking one last trip to Phoenix before ME arrives next month! Or, really, before I’m too big to want to travel far away 🙂 While we’re away, Jim is going to paint paint paint everything and I’m super excited for that!

Abigail and I were reading one of her super old school Curious George books the other day and got really excited when we noticed the name of the department store he was driving past! Too fun 🙂


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  1. Ahhh, the peeing!!! I have a cold, too, so I am sneezing every 3 minutes…I think you get the point. I am OVER it. hahaha!! I am glad you're in the comfy stage, though…I keep telling people that I'm in the "good" stage when they ask how I'm feeling. The things we do for these babies. 😉 Just kidding – I wouldn't change it for the world!!! 🙂

  2. Yay for good news on a healthy baby girl! Yay! I know you must have been relieved by that:) Your little bump has truly popped, and is so flipping adorable. Love it!:)

  3. Oh yay!!! Happy to hear the ultrasound was amazing!!!! Ahhhh the peeing, so over it!!! It doesn't matter what time I cut off my liquid intake either.

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