Mabel’s Nursery Plans
The drapes are hanging up for now, but no worries. They’ll be ebayed shortly. The curtain rod is also a silver color so I’m(or Jim) going to spray paint it gold.
This is the one piece of furniture that is staying in her nursery. It will be a nice ledge to put the monitor on and I hope to have a fun gallery wall hanging above it!
You can see my(and Abigail’s) paint swatch considerations. I *think* I have settled on which white I want to use for the walls but I’m still considering before I buy any. Man! White is super tricky. Almost harder than gray. I’m leaning towards Behr Ultra Pure White(color matched and mixed in el cheapo paint of course)
Abigail is really leaning toward the dark blue option for Mabel’s room 😉
This is the only “non Mabel” item left in the room. We don’t have space for it anywhere else in the house so it’s going to take a brief tour of the attic. I’m waiting to put it up because Abigail does still play with it and then I think I’ll bring it back down for Christmas because Mabel will be 7ish months old then 🙂
If you’ve been following along on Pinterest and my inability to stop pinning things for her room, these are the things that I’ve come up with so far:
Jim is going to build a much more organized and efficient closet for me(her). He’s going to take out those awful white shelves and build some solid ones that I can put baskets in. For now at least, she isn’t going to have a dresser, so all of her things need to be able to fit in the closet. If we plan it correctly, it should be pretty easy to do.
I bought this rug a while back when we though we were going to be moving. We ended up not moving after all and this rug has just sat up in the attic ever since. It’s the biggest size (7×10) so it will cover up most of the skanky carpet in her room. Perfecto.
This is Abigail’s nursery! I did everything “gender neutral” because I thought I was going to be using this nursery for back to back babies. Things didn’t work out that way, but it’s okay because her big girl room is pretty awesome(I guess I should do a post about that someday?) Anyway, this is the crib we have. It’s currently living at my in-laws because my sweetest mother in law in the world didn’t want me to have to sell my crib when I was selling everything else. Obviously, I was having a hard time parting with some things and she totally recognized that without me ever having to say a thing. So, ME gets to use the same crib Miss A did with one big change. We’re going to paint it! With the white walls of the nursery I wanted to do something really fun. So, the color of the dresser above is going to be the new crib color. Eep!
This is the rocking chair I have picked out! My champagne taste is totally jonesing for a PBK rocker, but since I don’t want to take out a loan to buy a chair, this Target rocker for half the price will suit my tastes well enough 🙂 Now I only need to start accumulating gift cards for this bad boy. I think it will be perfect in her room.
And that pretty much covers the big plans for her nursery. Everything else will be small details that I hope to DIY or thrift to help pull it all together. To get an idea for those things(garlands, bunting, quilts, printables, ottomans, blankets, and more) be sure to follow my Pinterest page!
What do you think of my ideas for Mabel’s nursery? What would you add? Also, if you have a white paint recommendation, I’m all ears!
LOVEDDD reading this. Cannot wait to see the white contrasted with the bright pops of color. Oh so fab! Also…way to go Tar-jay on having a tufted wingback rocker. Heck yes! xx
Can't wait to see everything come together! I am so excited to see the crib painted! How fun! Love that glider too!
Yay for nursery decorating!! Can't wait to see it all come together. The painted crib is going to be such a show stopper and that rocker is fabulous!! Love it. Have fun!
Love the inspiration- it's going to look awesome!
I love your nursery plans. Your room sounds a lot like ours did when we started-a collection of random stuff! I love the color for the crib! I can' wait to see!
Love your plans – it is going to be perfect!!! Ours was the same until recently, a collection of random stuff! Can't wait to see the final result!
you know what i think? you waited so long for Miss Mabel that you should buy whatever you want and decorate the nursery like it is your job! lol. i'm a little obsessed with nurseries. those drapes you are ebaying actually look really nice and neutral… hint hint 😉 we have a junk room as well, we'll need to use it for a nursery if we get pregnant but goodness me don't know where i would put everything! also, i really want that rug from target for my living room, but some of the reviews said it was kinda cheap looking, what do you think? and finally… that rocker. gorgeous. what a smart idea to accumulate gift cards because it is still quite expensive.. you'll have to let us know if it is as comfortable and amazing as it looks, and i'll add it to my secret pinterest board, haha!
Love love love it all. Seriously! I can't wait to see it all unfold and come together… And soon a babe is going to be in that empty room!! Eek!
I loved reading this post!!! First off, I love all of your big plans and love that we aren't the only ones on a nice little budget for the new baby. I'll have to get around to a post about our baby girl's nursery plans too! Also, I LOVE that our girls will literally all be the exact same ages apart! Maddie is October 2010 and Macie will be April 2015. Your girls are just a month behind mine! So neat! 🙂 Can't wait to see this perfect nursery when it's done! Miss Mabel is a lucky girl!
Beautiful! You've made some super fun choices! I know nothing about white paint…so no suggestions there! I hope to post about my plans for our little man's room soon!
Its going to be such a lovely room!! I can't wait to see how it comes together 🙂 I know it will be adorable
It's going to look great! I'm so happy for you!
Love your inspiration! Sooo Soo Precious!
I loooove that closet inspiration photo of yours. I wish I could do something like that! Can't wait to see it all come together, it's going to be beautiful!
That rocking chair is seriously swank and adorable! I also love the gold letters in her name, so posh and presh. I can't wait to see how it all comes together!
Love it!! Not sure how come I hadn't been following you on Pinterest, but that problem is solved now!! Love the paint color for the crib and your ideas for the room. That rocker is great without having to take out a second mortgage on your home and we have the mustard version of that rug in our family room. I love that Abigail is helping you with her room even if her vision for the room is slightly different than yours 🙂 Thanks for the update.
How fun!! It's fun putting a nursery together, I'm so glad you get to do it! It will look amazing and I can't wait to see the finished room! That rocking chair looks amazing, I have nice marshmallow type rocker and I love it. It's the best thing we registered for, and I'm so glad we got it. I'm pretty sure I will be keeping that chair for years and years [even when there are no more babies to rock in it] because it's just that comfy.
Looks adorable so far!
Love the plans so much!!! I am in love with the fact your sweet MIL savored Abigial's crib and now you get to use it with Mabel too!!! Love that!
Super cute!! Nursery planning is sooo much fun! Love the bright color for the crib. That will be adorable! My girls were born completely opposite seasons, too (sept. and March) and everyone was like "oh good, you're having another girl, you can re use all your clothes" and I was like "not really…" lol! Now that they're older it's fine but for the first year or so I had to pretty much buy all new clothes. Definitely not complaining about cute baby clothes shopping though 😉
Seriously swooning over that rocker right now and CAN'T WAIT to see what the crib looks like once it's painted! We are bumping E up to a twin size shortly after S is born and I have considered doing something fun with their furniture since both his bed frame and her crib are hand me downs. I have also been looking for a cute, gender neutral rug to go in between their beds, so I'm definitely checking out the one you listed–it would be perfect!! So excited for you and can't wait to see the beautiful room you pull together for sweet Mabel!
Yes!! I love it and can't wait for the painted crib!!! My mom always used linen white it was a great color. Check out Jenna Sue designs she is great at colors.
Where where WHERE did you get those little tiny suitcases?!?! They are PERFECT. I can't wait to see Mabels room all done!
Everything is so cute!
I LOOOOOOVE it all! Especially your inspiration! CANNOT wait to see the finished product!
That closet organization is to DIE for!!! I also love the rocker, but back when I had Isabella, it was all about those ugly gliders, so I'm stuck with the glider. lol