Baby Spena Week 9

Here we go, folks! My very first weekly pregnancy update!

As far as future blog stuff goes, my tentative plan is to only post pregnancy updates on Thursdays(that is when my weeks turn over) and the rest of the week the blog should be regularly scheduled programming. As we get closer into the new year you might see an uptick in baby posts, but for the most part, I’m going to work hard at not overloading this place with new baby things.

THAT BEING SAID, I never chronicled my pregnancy with Abigail in depth and boy, do I wish that I had! This is a super exciting time for us and I would be absolutely remiss to not document every single milestone of this little nugget’s life so far. 

Abigail was my fabulous photographer for my 9 week photoshoot 😉 I’m rocking my PSI Acupressure Bands that I scored at Target for $3! Woop!

Weight Gain | 

Eh, this is a smidge tricky because when I first weighed myself we had been doing the no carb diet bit for a few weeks. I also think there is a 2-3 lb discrepancy between my at home scale and the Dr. scale….so that being said, I think I’m up a couple lbs thanks to the reincorporation of breads, zero working out, and multiple things swelling/bloating. 

Starting weight for this pregnancy: 130 lbs 

Symptoms | 
Starting in week 7 the food aversions began. And then the road to sickness was right around the corner. Fortunately! I have not been vomiting like I did with Abigail, which is a major major praise! But, the nausea is definitely there. At first, I had a hard time figuring out its pattern, but starting in week 8 I finally figured it out. It is kind of background noise throughout the day until 5pm. Then it really ramps up and leaves me fleeing to our bedroom once Jim gets home from work and avoiding all smells and food until bedtime.
Outgrowing my current bra’s has been a most welcome symptom. Thanks, baby!

The bloat. Oof, it’s hangin out there.

Cravings/Aversions | 

Basically no food sounds good. Ever.

Jim and I play this game, because I can’t even talk about my food options without gagging. I’ll tell him that I’m hungry and then he’ll say, “Okay. Do you want me to preheat the oven? Or bring you something in a bowl? Or get something out of the fridge?” 

So weird but it totally works. It helps me think up what might sound good without listing the actual food. 

One of the biggest things that is a sort of “craving” is a small soda during the day. Just a few sips of something carbonated really helps settle my tummy.
Missing Most | 
Hmm. I’m missing eating normally and I’m really looking forward to a margarita in June 😉

Size of baby | 

Grape. Green Olive. 

.9 inches .07 oz

Sleep |
Totally normal! Still getting to stomach sleep, which is a big win for me.

Workouts |
Hahahaha no. Nothing. 

Once I don’t feel like death in the evenings anymore(which will hopefully be very soon!) I’ll be back to the treadmill/elliptical at our local community center.

Clothing | 

We had a Halloween pinterest party last week. My original idea was Sandy Olsen in the final scene of Grease, but my bloat said NO to that plan. Punny spaghetti sauce instead 😉

I’m still wearing all of my regular clothes! I’m super glad that’s still working out for me. I hope I can stretch that out as long as possible(I sold ALL of my maternity clothes over a year ago)

Gender |
Should be finding out around Christmas time!

I’d been starting to think boy, just because I haven’t been vomiting like I was with Abigail. But then baby’s heartbeat was identical to Abigail’s, so that got me thinking maybe there is another little girl in there. We’ll have to see 🙂 

Cries |
What have I not cried about this week?

Let’s see. I cried during a preview for an American Girl movie before one of Abigail’s shows. Yes. A preview. I was all, “Yeah McKenna! You don’t have to do this life alone!” I cried during the national anthem of game one of the World Series. I cried during our ultrasound early this week. I cried over lunch one day because I waited a really, really long time for my general tso’s chicken to be delivered. And then once it was it was some nasty WEIRD general tso, y’all. It had like big chunks of bell pepper and onion? I swear it smelled like salsa. Why would it smell like salsa?? Anyway. That was worth a big ol cry.

Purchases | 
I bought a pair of $2 clearance baby girl shoes at Target the other day because Abigail was starting to convince me there might be a girl in there. 

Nothing else yet though 🙂 

Nursery |

Nothing yet! We probably won’t start on decorating until spring, but I am brainstorming creative ways to organize and relocate everything that is currently inside bedroom #3/future nursery.

Hubby |

Let’s take a moment to applaud the wonder that is my husband. Talk about stepping it UP. He has been helping with everything around the house. He is staying as late as he can in the mornings to fix Abigail breakfast, letting me rest, and then bringing me food too. He’s fixing dinner for both of us. He’s cleaning up the house. He painted most of it while I was in Virginia.

Just the other day, I noticed that he moved his coffee pot out to the garage so that I wouldn’t have to smell his coffee. He didn’t ask. He just did it. (To prove that there is FOR SURE a little bebeh in there sucking out my life, I haven’t had Starbucks or a homemade latte in weeks. I even had two free drink rewards that almost expired and I had to give them to Jim to use instead! Crazy!)

Best Part Of The Week |

Seeing this little wiggling nugget on Monday morning. This picture is from 8w4d. He/she measured exactly perfect and was actually squirming around in there. I couldn’t believe it. 

His/her little face is looking right at us and you can see those little arm and leg nubbins! Totally mind blowing that a baby the size of an olive looks so much like a person already. Heartbeat was 185, just like big sister. Abigail’s heart rate was in the 180’s too.

Can’t Wait For |

The illustrious 2nd Trimester 😉 Where legend has it sickness traditionally stops and energy levels return. We’ll see! 


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  1. I have no desire to have more kids but for some crazy reason I love reading about other pregnancies! I totally feel you on the coffee aversion – I didn't touch it at all until after the 20w mark! You look great so far and I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Yay! I asked Miss A if she thought she was going to have a brother or a sister on Tuesday… she told me both. So either she will be majorly disappointed that it's not twins or she was being a bit prophetic speaking into the future :).

  3. AHH! This is so exciting! 🙂 Aren't those early ultrasounds amazing?! So glad everything is going normal–hope your eating aversions go away soon!!

  4. I'm so excited for you! Are the acupuncture bands working at all for you? I don't think they really did much for me, but I still wore them religiously just in case 😉 I found mine in the junk drawer and was going to offer to send them to you, but looks like you've got that covered!

  5. Love it. Looking forward to your updates! And can't wait to celebrate 2nd trimester when you get there:) You are SO close!!! Hopefully the sickness will wane and you will feel back to normal in just a couple of weeks!

  6. Sounds like we are having very similar pregnancies far. The nausea has been rough for me too, especially in the evenings. I'm hoping for improvement soon! I want to eat all my favorites again! I still havent been able to stomach a PSL!!!

  7. So exciting!! I hope you start feeling better soon!

    I didn't keep track of my pregnancy very well with Scarlett, either and I wish I had. Next baby I hope to do better 🙂

  8. Hi Courtney! I'm a new reader and am happy to have jumped in at the beginning of your pregnancy! I've had four kids (my youngest is 10 months) and am done, but I love reading others journeys! What a great update! Sounds like you have an awesome husband (mine is awesome too!). Hope your appetite comes back sooner rather than later!

  9. I am glad you haven't been feeling as sick but hope the nausea goes away soon! Can't wait for all the bumpdates! Again, so excited for you!

  10. I'm loving this for obvious reasons!! 😉 I love your Halloween costume, it's super perfect! Joe makes fun of me because I'm all about cereals, pancakes, french toast and waffles right now! 😉

  11. Aw, your husband is so sweet. I had the worst food aversion to a certain spread you put on bread to make a sandwich and is accompanied most often with another spread made from grapes (sometimes strawberries). I would gag at the smell of it. And, I'm certain Scott made one of those sandwiches every.single.night of my pregnancy. It was the absolute worst.

    I'm praying your second trimester brings smooth sailing!

  12. Such a sweet post! I look forward to reading them every week. Adorable costume! It makes me feel better about myself reading about all the reasons you cried, because I have a disorder which causes my brain to go in panic mode for stupid reasons, which can then cause crying as I'm coming down from the panic. It's just comforting to see that I'm not the only one who cries too much. 😉 That's so sweet of your husband to move the coffee maker! Such a sweet ultrasound.

  13. I love reading pregnancy updates! I wish I had my blog when I was pregnant with Mason and could have kept track of things better. I took pictures but that was all.
    Hope you start feeling better soon! And especially hope you start being able to have Starbucks again soon! Seriously though, what a SWEET SWEET amazing husband you have! So caring and thoughtful!

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