How To Homeschool With A Baby

Whenever it comes to homeschooling, I mostly talk about the practical in’s and out’s of it and how it works for us. That is one of the things that I love the most about homeschooling, we get to do it however we want, and you get to do it however you want. That’s a beautiful thing! I realized that “how to homeschool with a baby” was something that I could speak to and thought it could possibly be helpful to someone else!

If you’ve read any of my past posts, (which you can do HERE,  HERE, HERE, and HERE!) I’m not one for projects and crafts. DIY type things are soooo not my thing. I’m not creative and I would only be riding on the coat tails of someone infinitely cleverer and more creative than I if I tried to share one with you.

But, I also know a few of you that are regular readers are expecting new little bundles of joy soon and have older ones that you either homeschool or do things with at home. So, maybe sharing a few tips and tricks of how to homeschool with a baby and a kindergartner might be welcome.

Scroll on to read some helpful tips for how to homeschool with a baby!

Homeschooling with younger siblings, Homeschooling with little ones, How To Homeschool With A baby, homeschooling with littles, homeschooling with a baby, how to homeschool, #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschoolers

How To Homeschool With A Baby:

Do School While Baby Is Napping

For us, school happens in the morning.

Or, at least before lunch time.

If it doesn’t happen before then, it isn’t happening that day. By afternoon we’ve hit rest time, the time vortex that is waiting for Daddy to get home from work, and then Daddy actually getting home. It’s better for us to just double up our work the next day then to try and do anything later in the day.

So, that being said, the best time for us to sit down together and get a lot of work done is while Mabel is up in her room sleeping.

Wear Baby

You all know how much I love to baby wear!
It wasn’t until later this fall that I actually started getting Mabel on a napping in her crib routine, so the only way I got anything done, including school, was to wear her in the wrap.
Usually she just slept there, but sometimes she was also content to just hang out. Either way, total win!

Keep Baby In A High Chair Next To You

If Mabel wakes up from her nap time(or if we start school before it is time to lay her down) and we’re not done with school yet, I’ll grab a couple of toys for her and put her in the high chair right up to the table with us.

One of the most wonderful things about homeschooling- especially for younger siblings- is that they get to learn all of the time!

Even before it is their “turn”. Mabel is already reading big books with us, listening to letter sounds, and hearing all of the cute little songs we sing as we’re memorizing things together. It’s fantastic!

Let Baby Have Some Solo Playtime

Obviously, this one can depend on baby personality, but Mabel loves having a little bit of alone time with her toys.

I think she enjoys having big sister preoccupied so that she can have her barn/animals/toys all to herself and without her loving big sis up in her business.

Since she is immobile I can just place her somewhere nearby for now but I think once she starts crawling, some toys in a pack n play will be a great option for this.

And, if all else fails,

Keep Them On Your Lap!

For us, being together as a family is so, so important.

Homeschooling makes that possible for us. I get to be with my girls and they get to be together too. It isn’t all sunshine and roses and easy breezy- but it’s what we want for our family and we are all so thankful and happy that we have the ability and opportunity to do it exactly how we want!

Homeschool Mamas- if you have younger children who haven’t started school yet, what are your best tips and tricks for keeping them involved(or not!) and occupied? I’d love to hear from you!

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  1. These are a lot of the same things that we do here, as for when we set aside our learning time. With Wyatt, it obviously can be tricky, but we are finding our groove.

  2. It does sound pretty daunting homeschooling and adding a baby. These sound like great tips. Esp baby wearing. I wish Aria had been into that more, but I think I could have tried other options until we found one she liked. I just didn't know there were 7 billion out there then. ps. love the moose.

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