Let the little children come to me

….and do not hinder them. For to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14
Abigail prayed her very first vocal prayer on Thursday night.
 Usually, we rotate between the doxology, the Lord’s prayer, and Mama praying(because Daddy always prays at dinner time). So this caught us completely off guard.
Before we even discussed which we would do, Abigail shut her little eyes and began talking to her Savior.
I wish I could remember everything that she said, but here are a few things that I caught:

Thank you for Jesus

Thank you for my day and my food
Today I played with my friends
I went to Indie’s birthday party at Chick Fil A and had a green cupcake(by the way, that was back in December, folks. I’m telling you, her mind is a STEEL TRAP)
I played at the park with Claire and one time I flew a kite and ate ice cream
I ran during the workout at church! and I played in the nursery and with my toys and with my friends.
Jim and I just looked at each other. I think we were both a bit moved and so surprised that we were speechless for a few moments. Our little girl just had her first vocal conversation with our Lord. She has prayed with us so many times already in her short little life, but on Thursday we saw and heard an initiative that we haven’t ever glimpsed before.
It was so beautiful. It was so precious. It was so innocent and sweet.
Sometimes I worry that I’m doing this parenting thing completely and absolutely wrong. That I haven’t done enough of this or that. But after that little prayer I realized I few things.
1) God is drawing her unto Himself. Something that I have no control over. I didn’t do that, I can’t do that. He can.
But also,
2) She knows how to pray because we have shown her how. She knows she can close her eyes and fold her hands, or lay in her bed, or ride in the car, or sit at the dinner table, and speak words. Words that carry so much more than regular conversation….but somehow they are just a regular conversation…with the creator of the entire universe. We helped foster that. We are nurturing and encouraging and developing that within her. And it made me realize, that maybe even if I’m not doing enough of “this” or “that”, that maybe, just maybe, I’m doing everything I need to- just in this.
So many blessings, wrapped up in one little girl.

Thank you, Lord.

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  1. Way to model for her, momma! Isn't it the sweetest thing! Have fun on your upcoming vacation!!! Did you realize we live (somewhat) close to one another?!?! We totally need to hook-up sometime!!! 😉

    1. You know, I thought it looked like y'all were at KCI for your flight out, but I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if you kept your location on the DL. I'd love to meet up! I have lots of online friends, it's the best to finally get to put a voice to the online person! 🙂

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