21 Months Of Mabel!

Oh Mabesy girl! You are growing into the sweetest, most precious, fun, and adorable little girl. Your personality is just completely blossoming and we can’t get enough of you!

Size: I had to take you to urgent care recently for an ear infection and I remember that you were 23 lbs and I can’t remember how tall you were (mom fail) but! You were in the 40/50% range for both, which is where you’ve camped out for pretty much your entire life. Growing right on track!

You’re currently wearing size 2T clothes and size 6 shoes! You refuse to wear hair clips but you LOVE headbands and ask for bows all the time. And maybe someday your hair will finally grow some more 😉

Eating: You are still my little grazer! You love to come ask me for snacks, though your current addiction is peanut butter and honey sandwiches. You will actually get the peanut butter, honey, and bread out of the pantry and bring them all to me so that I will make you a sandwich! You also love the kids clif bars and you will walk around the house saying “baaaaaaaaaa” until someone finally gets you a “bar”.

Favorite Fruit: Definitely still strawberries! Though, you’ve been on a bit of an applesauce pouch kick recently.

Favorite Vegetable: Raw carrots!

Breastfeeding: And just shy of hitting the 21 month mark, we’re done breastfeeding. One of the signs that made me think I could possibly be pregnant was that I noticed an almost instant tank in my already dwindling supply. I stopped feeling let downs and Mabel continued to dry nurse for a few more weeks. (As my Mom would say, she was trying to make “fetch” happen. Lol!) Jim and the girls went away for a weekend and we went a few more days without her asking…and then she randomly would…and then go a few more days. I honestly can’t even remember when the last time I nursed her was. It wasn’t this big monumental, emotional moment like it was with Abigail. It just kind of….ended.

She has randomly asked me for “milk” a few times today and I just laugh and think how hilarious and crazy she is because we haven’t done “milk” for like a week and a half and the ship has sailed. But I love her persistence and gumption anyway 🙂

Sleep: I think a certain little girl is going through a major growth spurt! Her nighttime sleep is the same as always (pretty much 7-7) but for the last few days she has been rocking some massive 3 hour naps. Which is great, because I need naps right now too! I know they won’t stick around for long, but boy am I enjoying them right now while they last!

Words: So, so many words! You are our little parrot. Which big sister thinks is just hilarious and gets you to say all sorts of wonderful things like “poop” and “caca” because it’s just soooo funny. You say Mama, Sissy, Grammy, Pappy, Grandpa, Pa, and Mimi. You say Dada with a “N” sound, so it sounds like “Nana”. You do this when you say “ding! ding!” too, it comes out sounding like, “ning! ning!”

You make tons of animal sounds, every one I can think of! You say “smooch!” and I love you. One of my favorites is when you say “thank you!” which you say often and in the proper context and it just makes me die with how cute and sweet you are.

You’ve mastered Hi and Bye and blowing kisses and doling out pats and hugs and all sorts of sweet things. You’re so affectionate and aren’t afraid to show it!

Oh yes, speaking of “Hi” that’s the word you say every time you start to do something you aren’t supposed to. I know I should start to get worried when I hear your little voice going, “hi! hi!”

Loves: “Sissy”, her pacis(yep, still using them in her crib!), snacks, Mickey Mouse, Daniel Tiger, FaceTime, watching videos of herself on my “hone”, playing outside, going for walks up and down our sidewalk in front of our house, listening to music in the car, and reading books in your bed(just so you can use your pacis for a few minutes longer)

I was chuckling to myself as I read through Abigail’s 21 month update. So many things are the same between them, things like knowing shapes and colors and words. Yet, so many things are different. Like, ditching the paci and potty training? Heck to the nope. We’ll be doing those things….I have no idea when. But definitely not now, lol!

We’re so enjoying Mabel as our baby of the family. We all dote on her like crazy and I’m pretty sure we all still call her “baby Mabel”. But, before we know it, she’s going to be TWO and a big sister…and a middle child. Oh heavens.

Happy 21 months, Mabel girl!

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  1. It’s great to hear the b’feeding transition was easy for the both of you! I do love Mabel’s random requests, though. 🙂
    Three hour naps? Holy buckets. Mabel, teach Julia your ways!!

  2. Love that sweet girl! I remember you saying around a year she was still waking once a night. When did she finally consistently drop that wake up?

  3. First off, that fluffy pink vest is just over the top! 🙂 Too much cute!
    My two year old asks for bars all the time…glad we aren’t the only ones yelling “bar” around the house!
    Yay for toddler naps for the pregnant mommy!

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