Another House Update
Wow has it been a while since we’ve talked about the flip house here! I have about a million progress photos for you below- and we’re still not done!
I mean, we wish we were done.
But, we’re not.
(If you have no idea what I’m talking about or want to look at pictures of the house from when we started, check out this post and this post!)
So, the original timeline was to be done in the spring. And then the summer. And then the fall. Annnnd now it’s looking like winter…..but it is mostly finished. It just has that ending stuff that takes forever and a day to wrap up. You know?
You probably don’t. But that’s okay!
(just trust me. takes forever)
((especially when you’re doing it all by yourself. like. all by yourself))
But you’re really just here for the progress photos, right? Because we all love those. Onward!
The kids and I will stop by periodically on the weekends. Just to say hey and get a status report- since Jim is gone all day on the weekends working on this place. Sometimes we’ll run out and grab dinner together. Sometimes not.
We look happier in these photos than we usually feel after a visit to the house 😛
If you remember, we added a master bedroom, bathroom, and closet in this upstairs area. Taking this home from a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom to a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house.
We painted the exterior white! I love it.
I still need to get over there to paint the exterior doors though.
All of the lighting is in. Cabinets are painted.
All of the floors are in. Windows too!
And the counters and the appliances and the sink.
Cabinet doors are back up!
Floors are down in the bathrooms and actually both of the sinks, toilets, and bathtubs are totally installed and hooked up now as well (I just don’t have an updated photo!)
The steps are completed now (not pictured!) and the stair railings are almost finished as well.
It’s obviously looking so good and is getting so much closer to being finished……it just isn’t there yet.
So, who loves to install endless amounts of trim and outlet covers for free? Let me know.
Hopefully my next update is with a finished product and a listing! (crossing all the crossables….)
You know that scene in father of the bride 2 where martin short is upstairs in the new addition and he freaks out when the girls walk out? Thats how I feel whenever I’m in under construction houses and around stair wells lol.