We’re finally back and settled in at home in Missouri. We just had a wonderful visit with my parents at their home in Phoenix, Arizona- one last trip before Finn arrives!
We typically take a family beach vacation to Destin in September, but since Finn is coming in September that is being put off until next year. We talked about going earlier, but Jim’s vacation time doesn’t turn over until the end of June and I didn’t want to travel into July, so the timing just didn’t quite work out for a big trip this year!
So, instead, we decided to go visit my parents for 10 days while Jim took a few days off back home to get some home remodeling projects (started/finished/partially completed) while we were away. (All coming to a blog post soon near you!)
I was a little unsure of how my two companions would be traveling solo with me, but they did fantastic. Both ways! I’m a proud and lucky mama of these two. They ate snacks and watched shows and the time passed relatively quickly on the airplane.
Before we knew it, we were in hot and sunny Arizona and ready to relax!
Of course we spent the majority of our time pool side! Jim sent the girls hilarious floats to play in and my Dad took a few days off of work as well to be able to play with them lots and lots.
And while we usually do lots of things when we visit my parents, I kind of deemed this the visit of “Mom is huge and tired and we’re just going to stay in our pajamas/swimsuits and lay around” but we did manage to venture out a few times for some fun stuff!
Like our very first trip to Rita’s!
We took a day to get our nails done(Mabel was pretty jealous she didn’t tag along- fortunately Pappy took her swimming while we were gone!) and Abigail tried to talk Grammy into taking her back on her last day because “she didn’t want to have to fly home with junky nails” LOL
We took the girls for their very first trip to the American Girl Store(actually, it was my first trip in the store too! I ordered my dolls via catalog :p) and it was SO.MUCH.FUN.
As a two girl household, can you believe we don’t own ANY baby dolls?!? So it was high time for Mabel to get her very own baby to take care of and take care of it she has! She is absolutely obsessed with changing her and giving her a bath and carrying around her baby. It is so precious!
And Abigail got to choose her very own doll as well. She has my two hand me downs, but she was pretty(super) excited to get to select her very own(non 90’s) doll. She ended up with a Truly Me Doll that doesn’t quite look like her, but she fell in love with her hazel eyes and short hair with curls that she knew she was the one. She named her Rachel and has been playing with her every day since as well!
It was kind of like the very best girls day ever…sooo….I hope Finn is ready for all the girly stuff coming his way.
My parents love to go to Diamondbacks games, so they took us to one while we were there! The girls totally loved it. They ate kettle corn and cotton candy, cheered for the team- at one point Mabel was cheering “on base!” and Jim was so proud, and Abigail got to lead the crowd in “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” during the 7th inning stretch!
Did anyone else read this book growing up? It was always one of my favorites!
Anyway, on the Saturday before we left, I got to venture over to Gilbert with Mom and Mabel to check out this adorable baby boutique that a friend had told me about. They carry some of my very, very favorite shop small lines such as: L’oved Baby, Lulu and Roo, KB Cute Designs, Modern Burlap, Piper Finn, Ryan & Rose, Bannor Toys, Gigi & Max, Tubby Todd, Covered Goods, Babiators, Modern Piggy and MORE!
So, if you’re in the Phoenix area sometime- make sure you go visit Joss & J. SO CUTE.
On Saturday afternoon, my parents took Abigail to go see a live action play of Beauty and the Beast! She got to wear her Little Adventures dress up dress that she wears ALL.THE.TIME. and it was absolutely perfect. My Mom said that she was the only one there in the blue dress! Every other little girl that was dressed up was wearing the yellow ball gown, so I thought that was pretty fun 🙂
And then it was our last day! We went to church on Sunday morning and flew out that afternoon.
We got back home around 10, got to have a full home tour reveal(!), got everyone settled, and put the girls in their bedroom together for the first time ever! …..and that entire saga will have to be saved for another blog post 😉
See you at Christmas time, Phoenix! (Maybe)
You and your Momma look so much alike. I don’t know if I’ve ever noticed before!
Such cute pics! Your mom does look just like you! 🙂
What a fun and relaxing home trip! Sometimes those are the most needed. I have my American Girl (Kirsten, who is retired now lol) and the girls are gaga for her and thankfully oh so gentle.
So Gilbert is right next to where I used to live (Chandler)! And how amazing is Rita’s AND the American Girl store?! Looks like such a lovely trip!
What a sweet trip! I’m sure your parents look forward to your visits all year long. Love Abigail’s braids, Finn’s new items and Mabel is looking all big sisterly and grown up these days. Can’t wait to see all the house projects coming together 🙂
I’m sure this is not what you want to hear, BUT…in the last few pictures you posted, Mabel is definitely starting to look more like young girl and less like a baby. Might be the pigtails that make her look more grown up.
So this may be weird… but did you start filling in your eyebrows??? Because they look AMAZING!!! (Your whole makeup look actually) Not to be creepy lol, sometimes a mama’s just gotta lift another mama up! 🙂
OMG, i had a bitty baby. Like an original. So cute and sweet to see one again!
I just gotta say…the floral skirted dress is so beautiful on you! Live it in until Finn is born!
Live IN IT
…typing faster than my brain can think!