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Coming Home

Because of testing positive for Group B strep and delivering a baby basically an hour or so after I got to the hospital, I only received one full dose of antibiotics before Mabel was born. Which meant we had to stay 48 hours after delivery instead of only 24. So, with great happiness and relief, at the 48 hour mark when the last blood culture came back and the pediatrician checked her out one last time, we were all clear and safe to go home with a happy and healthy bambino.

My good friend, Christa, came to visit us in the hospital just before we left and it was awesomely timed because she was able to snap a few going home pictures for us. Thank you, Christa! 🙂

Remember my post about Mabel’s coming home outfit? She was able to wear her sweet little dress and ruffle butt tights home! They were absolutely PRECIOUS.

We arrived home around 7 pm on Monday May 18th. As we drove up our street, we were welcomed home with something really special that big sister Abigail planned and put together.

There were balloons on our mailbox and a big banner on our garage door. And when we came inside…

There was a surprise birthday party waiting for us! A cookie cake with a 0 candle, banners, balloons, flowers, presents, and a home made card.

Big sister Abigail picked out and planned everything. She chose cookie cake, the zoo animal decorations, a book that she could read to Mabel, three soft stuffed animals(that she so thoughtfully named already), and a card that she decorated.

Truthfully, I had discussed this idea with Mom a while back.

I was deliberating on whether to do a big sister present or not. Something from Mabel? Something from Mom and Dad? No present because uh, your sister is the present? I wanted to acknowledge her transition into big sister, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to do that with a gift(after all, it isn’t Abigail’s birthday). So I suggested to Mom about maybe letting her plan a birthday party for Mabel? Abigail is SO into parties(what kid isn’t) and I thought it could be a really cool way for HER to get to welcome her sister home and be involved in something fun too.

It was a big hit! She loved doing it- as evidenced by her huge cheesy grin. I’m so glad my Mom took the time to do that with her when I couldn’t be home with her. It was really precious.

And check out those fancy balloons she selected! I can’t wait for them to still be living in my house six months from now 😉

We were so, so thrilled to be home. Cutting off those hospital bracelets are like a mega rite of passage- you are home. For good. And now reality can set in.

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  1. Such a wonderful alternative to the big sister gift! I struggled with that thought too and ended up doing nothing. I think the party is perfect!

  2. What a wonderful idea! Abigail did such a great job welcoming her little sis home! Great photos – especially the last one with all four of you! 🙂

  3. I LOVE this idea!!! How special for Abigail to be able to plan Mabel's 1st (0st?) birthday party! She looks like the proudest big sister and I'm sure you all had a great time celebrating being HOME!

  4. That is too stinkin sweet! I love that Abigail put a little party for her baby sister together! What a sweet story to tell years down the road, and the pictures are just the best. And also, you look amazing! 🙂

  5. What a brilliant idea! I'm definitely going to file this away for when we bring a new sibling home for our little one (some day far far away in the future).

  6. I just love this and Mabel looks adorable in her outfit!! And once again you hit the nail on the head: it's not Abigail's birthday but Mabel's having her plan a party for ME was genius….bookmarking that idea for Ellie for when we bring home a sibling in 20 years!!!

  7. That is honestly a REALLY good idea (the coming home party) and I wish I had thought of it! We gave Gracie a small present for a Big Sister present told her that her brother brought it for her. She really responded well to that and still recognizes that her gift is from her brother. 🙂 But I wish we had done the party! Welcome home, Mabel!

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