Easter 2017

We’ve had two wonderful visits with both sides of our families to celebrate Easter over the last few weeks, and I have been late getting them into posts on the blog…soooo, today you get photos from three different Easter celebrations that we did with the girlies.

The first was with my parents! They came to visit for a long weekend at the end of March, so while they were here we did a fun Easter egg hunt and various other fun things(that will likely be ending up in a post of it’s own!)

But here are some fun shots of the girls doing their first hunt together 🙂

Then, at the beginning of April we headed up to Kansas City for a weekend, to celebrate Easter early with my in-laws! The girls got to do another amazing Easter egg hunt and all of the other sorts of fun things that Grandma Jenny’s house has available.

At one point Mabel spotted a hot pink egg up in a tree. She pointed it out and Abigail raced over and snatched it up for her basket because she could reach it and Mabel couldn’t. It caused a massive point of contention until about 5 seconds later when Abigail found the “prize egg” and while she was distracted with that, Mabel swooped in swiftly and silently and snatched that hot pink egg right out of Abigail’s basket without her ever even noticing. I caught the entire thing on tape and was absolutely DYING. She was so stealthy and smooth and it was hilarious!

And then it was Good Friday! Our church always has a beautiful tenebrae service, that is completely somber and dark and moving and wonderful.

It was hard on me because Jim does all of the music, so I was solo with the girls….and Mabel was up and down and up and down and shouting “play!!!” and “church!!” and “nana!!!” (Nana is what she calls Jim, we have no idea why) and Abigail was beside me picking her boogers and I had no kleenex for her to wipe them on and then Mabel drank all of her water and was shouting “more, more!” “pup! pup!” so then I had to give her all of the rest of my water and I was feeling pretty overwhelmed, because I was trying to keep them quiet and not be a distraction to others and I felt like I was probably failing miserably….

when about 3/4 of the way through the service, I looked down and both girls were trying to sing along with the songs we were singing. Even though they didn’t even know them. And I was moved to tears because it so encouraged me to know that even though it’s really hard on me, it’s so important for them. And they’re seeing it and they’re getting it. And it was really beautiful.

Jim told the girls, “look up at Mom!” and so they did, lol.

And then it was Easter Sunday! We had a busy, busy morning of getting ready and out the door for music practice and church- it was raining but thankfully it cleared up by the time service was over!

The girls opened their Easter baskets full of fun outdoor things like bubbles and chalk(including a bubble machine!) and we played outside all evening with their new toys.

We had lunch after church at a great friends house and took the most epic afternoon naps afterwards.

We had a pizza hut picnic on the deck for supper, played baseball in the yard and out in the tent that we still have set up from Daddy/Daughter camping earlier this week, and it was basically the greatest time ever.

We had a most blessed Easter season with our family, friends, and church- and hope that you got to experience the same!

He is risen!

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  1. Mabel getting the pink egg back ??? As a second born myself, I can say, we get crafty to get our way! And can we talk about your hair a minute?! It’s looking all sorts of beautiful!!! Well done with the girls and church. I try to remind myself that I am setting he foundation for my kids now. Even though in the moment it is so hard to remember, it really is true.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time of celebrating Easter. That tenebrae service sounds amazing and moving! I had to giggle at your description of the girls in church because that is such real life!

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