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What To Pack In A Hospital Bag

This isn’t going to be a super fancy or “pinterestable” (that’s a totally made up word, right?) post, but I always enjoy seeing what other Mama’s are planning on taking to the hospital with them so I thought it would be fun to put together a little something so you could see what I’m going to be bringing with me for my THIRD labor and delivery hospital stay!

I kind of had to wrack my brain a bit before I started packing like…whattt….do I even bring…? and I actually ended up using Marisa’s Hospital Bag checklist to get me started! Thank goodness for that lady 🙂

I didn’t want to over pack and honestly, use most of these items daily already- so I keep a list in my phone, in the event of a hurried rush to the hospital(which is pretty likely…) so we can toss these things into my bag quickly and be out the door!

What To Pack In A Hospital Bag:

For Courtney:

The majority of things we’ll be bringing with us to the hospital will be for me! I guess I’ll be the one requiring the most stuff 🙂 I’m bringing lots of postpartum clothing options just because I’m not sure how I’ll feel after- I pretty much plan to wear nursing tanks with cardigans or kimonos over them, paired with either comfy pants or leggings. And I plan to wear home something similar!

I’ll shower at least once while I’m there, so I’ll need all of my daily toiletries along with shower and hair supplies as well.

Since breastfeeding is my top priority, and likely the thing I’ll be doing the most during our stay, I’m making sure to bring our boppy pillow(with it’s new adorable KB Cute Designs cover!), my new Copper Pearl Multi Use Cover, and I’ll probably bring some gel soothies as well. The hospital provides lanolin and nursing pads- but I have always loved the soothies in the early nursing days as well!

For Jim:

  • 2 outfits(including underwear and socks- let’s not forget that)
  • Toiletries
  • Phone and charger
  • Blanket and/or pillow (if so inclined)

For Finn:

Abigail helped me pack Finn’s bag and it was SO sweet to do together. We went through his newborn clothes drawer, picking out our favorite items and matching them to little hats, blankets, and pacifier clips. He pretty much doesn’t need anything other than a special coming home outfit, but I wanted clothes and blankets of our own.

And, admittedly, totally over packed for him- but wanted to have lots of options for pictures! Plus, everything is just so dang cute.


  • Birthing Ball (someone- won’t name names- but it rhymes with “him”- forgot to bring this with us for Mabel’s birth)
  • Boppy Nursing Pillow
  • Laptop and cord
  • Camera and cord- along with both lenses and back up batteries!
  • Car Seat for baby!

The technology will all be in a laptop bag together, the ball and boppy can be tossed in the back of the van quickly, and we will be installing Finn’s car seat here pretty soon! (We’re going to be using the Evenflo car seat from this post!)

I’ve tried to include the links to everything that I’m bringing with me, so you can add them to your hospital bags too!

What are some of your hospital bag must haves?

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  1. i will have to save this for ‘one day’ as i know i will over pack and try to be as prepared as possible. so cute that Abigail helped you pack, and ugh those little baby clothes are so cute! can totally see why you over packed for him. can’t wait to meet him!

    1. I mostly just over pack because I want to have plenty of clothing options for me and baby depending on how I feel! I totally know I don’t really need any of it, but I want it with me :p

      I can’t wait to meet him either!! So soon!!

  2. Is Finn’s sheet from target?! ? I saw it there recently and wanted to buy it even though I really had no need. Don’t forget chapstick for yourself. I swear my lips have dried out each time I stayed in the hospital. Also, does Jim stay with you the whole time at the hospital? I’m just curious about him needing a bag, that’s all.

    1. It is!! Isn’t it so cute?! That Cloud Island line is insanely adorable.

      And he does! At the very least he never leaves me by myself- he stayed with me the entire time with Abigail and only ventured out briefly after I had Mabel to take some things to Abigail where she was staying. Oh, and he left me briefly to go downstairs and get me a latte :p But yeah, he doesn’t need like a suitcase, but a small duffel bag will do the trick!

  3. My #1 thing both times was lotion and lip balm! Even just being in the hospital for 24 hours, I found it SO dry, and just putting lotion on after a quick shower, using those exact makeup remover wipes you linked , I felt like a new woman!

    1. I am OBSESSED with those makeup remover wipes. They’re amazing! And yes- great call on the lip balm and lotion! Maybe I can get a few last foot rubs out of Jim before my pregnancy time is officially over :p

    1. Totally zero judgement! I didn’t shower at the hospital after I had Abigail- so I get it! I did after Mabel though and it was pretty nice, so I figure I might as well be prepared to do that again :p

  4. I can’t believe it’s almost Finn time!! The only thing I’d add to your list would be an extension cord. The outlets in my hospital rooms have always been in THE WORST places and my phone charger would never reach. That and snacks because I was always STARVING during my hospital stays. That’s so sweet that Abigail got to pack Finn’s bag. I can’t wait to see those sibling pictures of the girls meeting him. I can almost hear their sweet little squeals of delight.

    1. You know I didn’t have this problem at all either time! (Of course, I didn’t have a smart phone with Abigail, so I suppose it wasn’t really an issue back in 2010 :p) But I’ll be delivering at the same hospital as I did with Mabel, so I assume it should be just fine? Same with the snacks- I packed them with Abigail and was SOOO glad I did, but I was at a new hospital with Mabel and they have a snack closet/pantry thing that is just open 24/7 for L&D patients. Pretty sweet!

      And oh my gosh- I can’t wait for that either!!

    1. I just don’t want to be running around trying to pack things in active labor like last time with Mabel lol. Lesson learned!

  5. I never packed a hospital bag ahead of time because I always used things daily too! Also, I have a birthing ball, but don’t really use it in labor. Do you bounce? Lay on it? I need help!

    1. Things were just so rushed and panicked with getting to the hospital with Mabel that I want to be as ready as absolutely possible!

  6. It appears that you got everything. Tge cute outfits, pampers etc. for you, mom, you have cute, yet smart comfort clothing and shoes. I don’t think I will every forget this, (althought I forget much), Ithe pants I took after giving birth to my son, I could not fasten them. Thank God I did pack a long top. For sure, ‘you got this’

    1. I’m fully planning on wearing maternity leggings and jeans all fall and winter! ha! No buttons for meeee!

  7. I overpacked for Baby too! But not sure if this guy will be a peanut like his sisters and wear NB or be a chunk and require 0-3m sizes!! I need more details about YOUR going home outfit!

    1. Both of my girls wore NB for like a month…so I’m expecting more of the same. But we shall see I guess! 🙂

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