To 2015

We decided to ring in the new year with one of our most favorite family traditions- going to Grandma Jenny and Grandpa Monty’s house! We always spend New Years with my in-laws. It started over a decade ago because they always had a traditional flag football game at their house New Years morning that we all played in(it was called the Toilet Bowl, and it was glorious) but once they hit the 25 year anniversary they decided to officially retire the seat and enjoy sleeping in on New Years Day instead :p

So anyway, on New Years Eve we drove up to Kansas City…..

And even though this girl had just napped before we left, apparently she realized she was going to have a late night and needed to rest up on the drive up. Her beloved elephant(affectionately named “stinky shoes”) was along for the ride.

We let her stay up and play with Grandma Jenny until about 10:30ish, which she thought was FABULOUS and then we rang in the New Year super eventfully, sitting on the couch, drinking sparkling grape juice.

Of course, Grandma and Grandpa’s house has the most awesome and fun toys, so all waking hours are spent playing playing and playing some more with anyone she can recruit to do it with(usually Grandma Jenny!)

Mabel Elizabeth received her very first gift! Which was very very exciting! It was an adorable outfit set that she will get to wear this fall. Eep!

I captured this picture before we left for church on Sunday morning. Her imagination is running absolutely wild these days and I just LOVE it. She is so creative and her mind works in totally unpredictable ways. I adore hearing what she comes up with and it usually involves laughing shortly thereafter.

Our cell phone photo taking expert(Abigail) snapped this when we got home from church. I like us 🙂

I happened past a mirror(the one in the photo below actually) and thought, “whoa! torpedo belly!” Where did this thing come from? I mean, holy growth spurt Miss Mabel! Or, perhaps, holiday treats? Either way, there is no mistaking the belly these days.

I totally love it.

Both of our families are major game players. It’s what we spend the majority of our time together doing. We love Settlers of Catan(with expansions! I actually got a victory during this visit!), Ticket To Ride, Puerto Rico, Apples To Apples, Pit, Mafia, and just about any card game you can think of. Usually Pitch, Nerts, Euchre, Hearts, or something like that.

And that was our New Years! We got home late Sunday night, have been taking down Christmas, cleaning, errand running, and are preparing to leave to Colorado for a long weekend!
I keep hoping that time will slow down sometime soon, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen until February.

How’s that for an eclectic post?! How was your New Years? Does your family play games? If so, what are some of your favorites?


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  1. Aww she looks so cute playing with her doll babies. How fun that you got an outfit for baby sister! And you look great! I definitely had a growth spurt over the holidays too…no telling if it's all the yummy food or not though! haha Have a good day girl!

  2. Yes my family is a major game-playing family! I love party games like Catchphrase, Scattegories, Things, etc. but my family always trumps me (pun intended) and wants to play cards.

  3. LOoks like such a fun tradition!
    We are huge game players! My husband loves Catan…I like it ok, but I always lose lol! We love Ticket to Ride, Taboo, Catch Phrase, Scattergories, Farkle, Phase 10…I could probably continue but I won't 😉

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