Welcome, February!

Well, we’re already a week into February, but let’s give it a proper blog welcome, shall we?

Our days haven’t been filled with anything in particular. A lot of pj’s, a lot of school, a lot of dance parties, a lot of couch snuggles, endless amounts of goldfish, face time with Grammy, counting down the hours until Dad gets home from work 😉

We read so, so many books, play with so many toys, take endless amounts of pictures, listen to pandora, refill goldfish containers, make snacks and meals for constantly hungry tummies, pray for nice weather so we can go outside and burn energy, but mostly just stay in and be together.

The days are long(especially in the winter!) but I know these years are so short, and I’m endlessly grateful to get to be the one to spend them with my girls.

February is shaping up to be pretty much the same throughout- our social calendar is essentially empty, we’ll be staying close to home most days, but that’s alright. Because just around the corner is spring- and we can’t wait!

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  1. I can relate so much to your last paragraph – that’s pretty much exactly what our February looks like with my two girls. We have a couple birthday parties on tap, but otherwise we’re going to be hanging low and enjoying any days that are warm enough to walk and run outside. Your girls are precious! And PS: You ROCK bangs! Oh my goodness! Your picture in the upper right is beautiful!

  2. awww sweet girlies!! our days as we wait for winter to end are often so similar to this!!! and i’m with you… i never can bring myself to wish it away because i know it’ll all go by too quickly!!!

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