A Day In The Life: Summer Edition
She’s hilarious. But you all already know that.
These days, she gets herself up, takes off her pull-up and goes to the bathroom, puts on panties, puts on some sort of hilarious dressed up outfit, gets herself fresh ice water, and then comes and finds me.
Remember me mentioning being all up in my business first thing in the morning? Here it is!
“Mom!!! Come play with me!!!”
So, we head into her playroom and spend the next hour or more playing whatever she wants.
On this particular day we built a sky high restaurant with a ladder and stuffed princesses inside it. Then we turned it into a zoo and tried to stack even more things on top of our restaurant.
We also play play-doh for AGES. She can sit and play with play-doh endlessly.
Once 9am rolls around we move into the living room for a breakfast couch picnic and turn on Sesame Street{GOD BLESS YOU SESAME STREET!}
During Sesame Street hour I make myself my daily vanilla latte, take my supplements, unload the dishwasher, tidy up the house, make sure my posts for the day are queued up, get myself ready, start any laundry, eat my own breakfast, and then finally settle down for some couch snuggles and the last few minutes of Elmo’s world.
Then it’s time to head back to playing!
One of Abigail’s favorite games to play is nap time/snoozing/going to sleep. We pile the bed full of animals and babies then take a nice long nap for about 5 seconds. Then we move to the couch and pretend to make an airplane/car/train and stuff all of the same animals and babies into it and drive/fly/choo choo to Oklahoma/Florida/Arizona for about 5 seconds.
She helps me with various chores around the house. Replacing toilet paper and paper towels, dusting, sweeping the broom over any and all surfaces…
We practice our fine motor skills and “paint” the walls with strips of painters tape.
Another glorious game that can go on endlessly.
Not pictured:
Living room dance parties
Drawing on the whiteboard
Playing with rhyming flashcards
And putting together some things for dinner
Around 12:30 I start making this girl some lunch and we call up her Grammy on the iPad for some lunchtime FaceTime.
Abigail talks to her Grammy almost every day during lunch! Grammy reads her books and books while I get our lunch ready, clean up the house again, get her bedroom ready for nap time, and any other assorted things I might need to do.
After lunch, Abigail takes a quick trip to the bathroom while I get her fresh ice water. We meet back up in her bedroom and she puts on her pull-up and socks for nap time. She gets to choose one book to read, then we crawl into bed together to snuggle for a bit.
I usually spend this time catching up on blogs, writing future posts, editing photos, replying to emails, working on a bible study, making phone calls, etc.Â
Shortly after 3:30, a groggy and snuggly little girl emerges from her room, requesting couch snuggles and a snack{this time it was a box of raisins}.
Then begins the enormous stretch until Daddy gets home. The 4-5:30 stretch is always the hardest for me. Even though we’ve just had a two hour break from each other, I feel like I’m out of new ideas to entertain her with and it’s a struggle to carry on until Dad gets home.
She makes “soup” in her pail out of grass, water, hosta leaves, the marigolds I just dead headed, and rocks.
I water the flowers.
She checks the mail.We soak up as much Vitamin D as we can and the time passes surprisingly quickly!
Yay! Daddy is home!!
We had planned to have a bunch of friends over for dinner, but they had to cancel at the last minute. So, we rearranged our dinner plans and woohoo! Breakfast for dinner!
Jim made his breakfast specialty- monkey bread. Abigail helped him. And by help I mean, coerced him into letting her eat entirely too many uncooked biscuit pieces covered in cinnamon and sugar.In case you were wondering, we’re still getting good mileage out of last year’s Halloween costume.
After we eat and clean up dishes I get to sneak out to our local community center for some tv/treadmill time. Meanwhile, Daddy and Abigail get to enjoy a bit of time together!
I risked life and limb to take this picture for this post.I returned home to a little lady who had made me a play-doh pizza with her Daddy and she insisted on serving it to me in the restaurant in her bedroom.
Shortly thereafter it was time to pick up toys, use the potty, brush our teeth, put on socks/pull-up/pj’s, turn on the fan, set the clock, refill her cup with fresh ice water, dim the lights, pick out a book, and then settle in for prayers and one story.August 11th, 2014. You were pretty good to us.
What do you think? Do our days seem pretty similar? What does your everyday look like?
I fully agree. Why oh why is that last 1.5 hours between nap and dad always so hard?! Our days looks pretty darn similar- except you guys have way funner games 🙂 Iex is slowly getting more into imaginary play– but I can't wait until she can play more like Abigail!
I love that you documented all of this in black and white!!! Scrumptious!!! 😉
I'm also very thankful that you didn't lose a limb or your life in the gym pic. xx
I love these posts! I am half excited/half dreading the days that Liam can play with play-doh; I'm a little OCD with it! Also impressed that you can workout after eating dinner! I'm already a glass of wine deep and waiting for Liam to hit the sheets so I can assume the position on our couch! 🙂
Love this post and all the photos that go with it. I can completely relate and may need to do a post like this one day. Although, I have to say I am so jealous I wish Liv took naps. She stopped napping at 1. My 2-1/2 year old needs no sleep. It's crazy, I swear it's worse than a newborn. Hopefully one day she'll enjoy sleep. One day…
I LOVE love love this! I did a post like this about my 8 month old daughter last month (http://www.whimsicalseptember.com/2014/07/a-day-in-life-of-hadley.html) and had so much fun doing it! I loved reading this post because I've always curious about what our routines will be like as she gets older.
I am pretty sure our days could not be more different! haha. Looks like a lot of fun. I wish I had that much time to soak up the sun, but alas my work desktop cannot come out doors. Love breakfast for dinner!
Aww what a great day! Ok I really love that Abigail FaceTimes with her grammy almost every day. That is awesome! And so nice for you to have some time to get things done. How do you workout after eating?? Ugh I so can't! I workout a lot more if I could.
Can't wait to have days like you with a little one!
Too fun and I have to agree the stretch of time before daddy gets home is rough!
Awesome post! You two cuties have a lot of fun! I love that she says "I'll keep you" so precious!!
What a great day!!
I love that Grammy reads A books at lunchtime!
I too have been meaning to do one of these posts forever.. Hopefully soon 🙂
what a fab post! i love what she is wearing when she rocks up in your room. too cute. i love all the black and whites as well, and your kitchen table.. and that bookshelf.. ok i want it all. facetiming with grammy is so cute, i hope to be able to do that one day!
That last stretch? May as well be forever. I feel like time stops at the same time every day. Ugh. Your day looks a lot like ours right now:)
What a darling girl! Love how she dresses up! What a little Fancy Nancy!
I love day in the life posts!!! Her outfit, oh I love it!!
Love her first thing out of bed outfit! Haha. It is bright in the morning, you do need sunglasses 🙂
You know what's funny? I never realized that you hadn't done one of these so when I saw on FB that you had done one and said "ever wonder what we do in the Spena household?", I was like, actually, now I kinda do! Haha. Love this!
This was so cool! I love how you captured so much! I love how much fun you two have together!
So true, between nap and dad is always the rough patch and it makes no sense since you should all be refreshed! I always turned on the cooking channel when Chris got home at 530. Since he gets home earlier now we seem to avoid that. I love the painter tape idea, that one is cute! Sounds like an excellent day.
lol I LOVE that she walks in with sunglasses on – cracked me up!
I love your day, full of fun.
I love these type of post, but like you I have a hard time remembering to take the photos throughout the day. Oy!
Your days sound pretty fabulous.
And that stretch post-nap to daddy-arrival? Longest.hours.ever.
The hardest hours for us (the witching hours as most people call them) are from about 5:30 to 7:00. Sheer terror. It's almost as if someone flips a switch at 7 and voila! All better. #toddlersaresoweird I love your cute cute family!!