
Take Me Out To The Ball Game

My husband’s very favorite sport in all of the world is baseball. If he could have chosen any sport to succeed in professionally, it would have been baseball{I think the dream is still alive there, folks. He is only 28 after all.}
For the last two summers he has been a part of an adult baseball league. The man loves it. He lives and breathes baseball. Just casually bring up the Kansas City Royals sometime and you can be in conversation together for….quite a while 🙂
This Sunday afternoon was our first chance to head out and watch Daddy play some ball. It was a hot day but it was so much fun. Here are a few pictures of our afternoon at the ball park!
She dressed herself. Dress and boots. Her mind could not be moved from her outfit of choice. She also put in a formal request for “Anna” braids.
After we watched Daddy bat a few times, the lure of the nearby playground could not be resisted any longer. We played and played over there.
It also had this hilarious slide which Abigail said, “is just like the Tulsa airport conveyor belt for our suitcase!”
There are still quite a few games left in the season, so we’ll be back at it every Sunday afternoon!


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  1. We've been to that park a few times because it's great for little ones and our daddy plays softball. It's technically part of the WIll Norton Miracle Field and everything is accessible for kids in wheel chairs or with walkers. That's why it has that great soft surface and everything is low to the ground.

  2. Umm…Courtney, I could have typed those first two paragraphs for us and they'd totally apply…except the Texas Rangers in place of the Royals. 🙂 Only problem for my hubby is that he ruined his shoulder pitching when he was younger so he really can't play anymore. Did you read about the recent ER visit from a softball game?! Poor guy…it crushes his dreams. And that video is so cute 🙂

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