Abigail’s 8th Birthday!

Turns out, I took WAY less photos of Abigail’s birthday and birthday party than I thought I did, but I still wanted a special place to remember her day on my blog anyway!

In typical Abigail fashion- she extensively (and I mean, extensively) planned out all of the details for her birthday….months in advance. As it got closer, I told her she was able to narrow it down to like, 2 or 3 of her giant visions, and we’d make the most important ones happen for her.

SO, she selected a birthday party with friends at Soar Trampoline Park in the afternoon and dinner + a movie that night with a friend and our family.

It was perfect.

We had the best time at Soar! I had never been before and was super impressed by the organization and professionalism of their party planning and assistants and of course, all of the kids had an amazing time!

Then there was the cake.

Abigail wanted to make her own cake this year and she wanted it to look just like the cake from the British Baking Show intro. Of course, once she got to making it, she decided that she wanted it to be four layers tall, so it wasn’t quite identical- but you get the idea 😉

Her party had cake and pizza and presents and that evening we had Chick Fil A catering (which was AWESOME) and watched The Princess Bride as a family + her bff.

Then the actual day of her birthday, we had our co-op as usual (but her entire class sang to her and she LOVED THAT) and she had piano lessons that night, but she chose a McDonald’s birthday lunch with Jim and I and she wanted a Chick Fil A “banquet” for dinner (such an Abigail thing to say) because she loved the chicken strips + salad so much from the few nights before.

She got to open more presents (this was the year of the LOL dolls. so many LOL dolls) and basically had a wonderful, perfect, lovely 8th birthday.

We were so thankful to get to spend it with her and are so blessed to have her for our daughter!

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  1. Ok that first picture is EVERYTHING! She is growing up so fast. Bless her heart for making her own cake AND it turned out beautifully.

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