

For posterity and a bit more fleshing out of our trip stories than what was on Instagram, I wanted to make sure they all ended up on the blog 🙂
On our way to the Tulsa airport we made a quick pit stop. Neither of us had money on our Starbuck’s cards so we were going to have to reload them. Then we pulled up to the window and the barista informed us that the person in front of us had paid for BOTH of our drinks.
How nice is that!?

And from thenceforth I knew I was in for an amazing vacation.

This was my first time flying with Abigail all by myself. I wasn’t too nervous, but thankfully the Tulsa airport is so amazing to navigate. Jim was able to drop us off right at security and our gate was only a short walk away{with a Starbuck’s on the way- destiny}. We didn’t have a ton of time to kill. Just enough for some snacks, last minute potty breaks, and then onto the plane we went!
She did great on the flight. The only time, as Abigail says, “her ears are buggin” was during the descent. We were well stocked with teddy grahams, a giant water bottle, a couple shows and apps on my phone, and these dolls. They are the perfect size for traveling and she can play with them endlessly. Such a great little toy.

Once we landed we were ravenous and ready for lunch. So my parents took us to heaven.

I mean, In N Out.

I don’t care how overrated anyone says it is. I freakin love that place.
After we stuffed our faces on cheeseburgers, fries, and then took some naps we were ready to hop into the pool! Yay!!!
We went out to dinner that night and Jim called me with news about our new house.{yes, that is a shameless plug for a post coming next week}
I read this book in two days.

Vacation helped, but it really was that compelling. I almost sacrificed a night of sleep to finish it.

You’ll cry, but it is worth the read for sure.
This little girl did NOT adjust well to the two hour time difference. Usually she blazes through it like a champ, but this time she was up every morning between 5-6{she usually gets up between 7-8}. Therefore, by the time nap rolled around she was a hot mess, but wouldn’t take a long nap to compensate.
Therefore, she would be a hot mess by bedtime, but would still wake up at 5 am. Oh child.

I’m happy to report that her sleeping habits promptly returned to their regularly scheduled programming as soon as we returned to MO. {Thank heavens}

Not much to caption here.

Just wearing a party hat in the middle of the dollar store. The usual.

We went to In N Out twice.

I’ve mentioned how much I love it? Yes?

We went to visit Pappy at his office one day. His assistant hooked Abigail up with a boat load of stickers and this little birdie that tweets when you squeeze it.

I’ll let you imagine what serenaded us the entire way home.

It has still been cold in MO. In fact, the day after we flew out to AZ, it snowed here{suckers!}. That being said, I mentioned to my Mom as I was packing for warm weather in AZ that I needed to pack for 9 days…..and Abigail had 5 shirts. Total. Ha! So we decided to make a Carter’s run while we were there. Which is perfect because I don’t have one close to me. While we were in the store, Abigail discovered these PJ’s. And she was in love.

I tried them on her to make sure we got the right size and she told me, “You can go ahead and cut off the tags, Mama.”

They’re totally the cutest. Which is a good thing since she has been wearing them constantly.

A trip to the zoo.

A smushed face smooch from Mama.

MY Mama and I headed out one morning on a quest to find me a dress to wear to my little brother’s August wedding! They are having a formal evening wedding, so I definitely needed a new dress and shoes to wear. {Jim has a tux and Abigail is the flower girl, so they’re already covered!}

We walked into Macy’s and I found one dress that I liked and was willing to try on. It was the one. Purchased and off we went.

What can I say? Every once in a while{a long while} I’m easy to please.
Jim’s office was closed on Good Friday so he was able to fly out on Thursday night and spend the rest of the weekend with us! It was so great to have him join. Daddies are so much more fun for stuff like catapulting yourself into the pool and things of that nature.

And before we knew it, it was time to head home. Let me tell you. This little girl was SO. SAD. I’ve never seen her get like that before.
Usually she is so excited to head home and go back to her toys and friends. Not this time. At. All.
When I mentioned we would be leaving the next day we hit nuclear meltdown. Then the Sunday we left{we flew out in the evening} she spent all day clarifying all the things we would get to do before we left and trying to convince me that we needed to stay longer to do xyz.

When we got to the airport and she would hear a baby or small child crying she would say, “I think someone else doesn’t want to go home either.” Break my heart!!

Wearing headphones….that aren’t connected to anything. Best free entertainment ever. They kept her happy and entertained almost the entire flight.

Toddlers. Little girls. Whatever you consider 3.5 year olds.

And that’s it! Such a wonderful visit, filled with so many wonderful memories. See you sometime this fall Phoenix!{because there ain’t NO way I’m coming to see you again in the summer}

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  1. I love your shoes!! I don't know why, but I didn't even think that Jim was going. Then it was like oh duh, of course he'd go it's Easter and what not. Glad you guys had a wonderful time!


  2. Your trip sounds amazing! I'm so glad you girls (and daddy!) had such a good time. And let me tell you. In n out. It is heaven. I am lucky enough (and my waist line is unlucky enough) to live like 5 min from one and I literally want to go. all. the. time. So glad you got to go twice!

  3. I have always wanted to try In-N-Out! I have never been on the West Coast, tho… I have those shose, too and it is FINALLY getting to be time to wear them again in MO! 🙂 You are so brave to travel alone, I have yet to fly alone or with just the kids and myself!!

  4. Loved all your IG photos. So unfortunate about the off sleep, but soooo good it went right back. Even if she didn't want to go home, aw. Perfect way to start a trip too. Love finding a dress right away, signed sealed delivered done.

  5. That's awesome that you were able to find a dress for the wedding so quickly! And it must have been heartbreaking to see Abigail so sad to leave!

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