December Life

Happy Friday before Christmas!!! I can’t believe it! We are so crazy excited in the Spena house.

Because we are going to be in Phoenix over Christmas(we fly out tomorrow!) we went ahead and did our little family Christmas on Wednesday night and we will be doing Christmas with my inlaws tonight. It has been so much fun getting ready for Christmas with the girls this year, I just can not wait for Christmas morning!

I realized that it has been quite a while since I shared some pictures of things that we’ve been up to around here, so, here they are 🙂

This ponytail gave me *thee* worst ponytail headache ever but hello, totally WORTH it.

Also, last week Abigail forget her coat at church(???) only during the coldest week EVER and we just got it back yesterday. Girllll.

There’s a fair share of screaming in our house on the daily, but every once in a while moments like this happen and they melt my heart. (but also this was like, really really loud)

We have gotten back to a place where it is SO MUCH FUN to run errands together again! I’m not as rushed as I used to be when Mabel was an infant and having the girls there together with me makes for such a fun time. They’re my little tag alongs. My little buddies. My girls.

So I had a very un-Courtney like moment and decided to throw some purple color on the ends of my hair. I loved it! It has mostly washed out now(as all vibrant colors do) but it was so much fun that I’m thinking I will most definitely have to do it again.

Also, how cute is this sweater?! I currently have it on repeat and repeat and repeat again these days. So much so, that I ordered this one too!

When we were up in Kansas City at the beginning of the month to meet my new niece(!!) on the way there, we stopped by my beloved IKEA…..for literally one $12 poster and a pan of cinnamon rolls.

Take me back!

There’s the aforementioned poster! It was a super quick trip in and out, so I’m thinking a return visit most certainly needs to be in my future!

So now that it is cold outside all of the time now….and all of our things are finished until January…it’s pretty much just official PJ day central at the Spena house.

Like, why change out of your pajamas/sweats if you don’t have to? #LifeMotto

Last Saturday we had absolutely NOTHING planned, so we totally stayed in our pajamas all day, wrapped presents, watched Elf with the girls for the first time, had afternoon popcorn, ate chili for dinner, and it was just all kinds of amazing.

Saturdays like that need to happen way more often! It was so good!

And so that’s that!

Until next week when I bombard you with ten million Christmas present opening and family photos……have a wonderful and very, very, Merry Christmas!

Psst, I tried to link to all of the things that we are wearing in this post in the widget below. If anything looks interesting to you- happy shopping! xo

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  1. Our daycare does “Pajamuary” and you get to drop your kiddies off in PJs for the whole month. Easy cozy mornings for everyone! It’s the best.

  2. I love this! Love the photo by the piano. I see Mabel playing the wrapping. My 1 year old and 6 year old boys had a blast using them as light sabers and of course megaphone AJ my one year old got a real kid out of the wrapping tube megaphone

  3. Hooray for cozy pj days!! LOVE that picture of your family leaving IKEA. I’m impressed with your short trip and definitely think you need to do some browsing next time. I had to reread your line about the poster because I first thought you said you were buying a cinnamon roll poster. haha Glad December was such a good one!

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