Family Photos

It has been two years since we have taken family pictures. Sure, we take our pictures at the beach every year, but those are pictures unto themselves 😉
Of course we hired the wonderful Aaron Wilcox Photography to take our family pictures again. He took our pictures two years ago and did Abigail’s one year photos and really, he’s just the best.
Brief disclaimer before you view the photos below:
Aaron is an absolute miracle worker. This child was a total PILL during this photo shoot. There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you have a good thing going as a parent to have it tossed out the window in an evening by a precocious three year old.
All of the flower girl smiling at the camera training we did this summer? Out the wide open window.
So yeah, like I said, he’s a miracle man.

What do you think? Which photo is your favorite? 


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  1. Such beautiful Photos! You truly have a gorgeous family Courtney. Also, Happy birthday week lady! Mine is today! =) and then….holy cow. Katie turns 2! And Abigail turns 4! In like basically a month…. esh. =)

  2. Gorgeous photos! The light!!! <3 <3 My faves are the 2nd and 4th up from the bottom. Your outfits look great. We're having our first family pics (well aside from the ones at our wedding in March!) the first week in November and I'm already stressing about our clothes! lol I'm not good at these things.

  3. beautiful photos! I love the lighting – great time of day! I usually always have a favorite when I see people family photos but I'm not sure I do because they're all really great! I really love the one of the two of you with your noses touching. 🙂 the sun is just awesome behind you guys and you just look like you're having fun!

  4. Seriously some of the best family pics I've ever seen!!! All 3 of you are so photogenic! I think the last one might be my fave 🙂

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