Hoppy Easter!

We just got home last night from a wonderful weekend in Kansas City at Grandpa Monty and Grandma Jenny’s house. We came up after our Good Friday service at church on Friday night and stayed through Monday evening to be able to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, Grandma Jenny’s birthday, AND the Kansas City Royals opening day! Talk about an exciting weekend!

Grandma Jenny and Abigail dyed Easter eggs together and it was really special! Jenny got this dye kit at Aldi this year and it was unlike any other I’ve seen before. You put the boiled eggs into a bag, added a few drops of gel dye color, smooshed it around a bit, and then let them dry! That was it. Seriously no mess or odor or anything. They dried kind of iridescent and were very pretty eggs!

Of course Abigail made sure to get lots of trampoline time in. She LOVES to jump on Grandma Jenny’s trampoline!

Easter morning, Jim drove back to Joplin to lead music at our church, while Abigail and I went to Grandma and Grandpa’s church. It made for a busy morning but it worked out well. The weather started out cool, then warmed up, then turned cloudy and windy and COLD.

Sorry that your sister is drilling you in the head there, kiddo.

After Abigail took a monster Easter nap(and Jim and I returned from our trip to IKEA) we sent the boys outside to hide her eggs so she could do a hunt. She was hilariously unenthusiastic and it wasn’t until later that I realized she didn’t know that there were prizes inside the eggs. When we play egg hunt at home, it’s just with last years empty eggs, so I guess she thought that’s what we were doing this time….except outside in the cold. No wonder she wasn’t as gung ho as I was expecting! lol.

Once she discovered chocolate inside the eggs though.Whoa boy. Chica was happy.

My brother and his wife came over for a little visit and to watch Abigail do her egg hunt, which was really nice and fun. And then we finished the day with dinner at the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate Grandma Jenny’s birthday(I brought home the Cocoa Coffee cheesecake-if you must know).

It was a perfect Easter weekend and I hope yours was just as fun filled and blessed!

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  1. looks like you guys had a really good Easter! and at least now Abigail will know to be excited next year, I remember Avi's reaction when she opened one and found candy!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! Abigail's hair looked adorable on Sunday! So sweet. Hahaha, Wyatt kept taking all the goodies out and leaving them behind! What a mess!

  3. Wow… what a great weekend. Lovely pictures–especially the Easter ones. Gorgeous people. 😀

  4. Easter is already such a fabulous time, but to celebrate in Kansas City?! The best!
    Your family pics are marvelous, and that little polka dot jacket of Abigail's is simply the cutest thing ever.

  5. abigail is too precious!! i love her little easter curls so much!! and look at your belly! you look fabulous, lady!

  6. So glad you guys had a good Easter! Loving all the photos!:) Tat one of Abigail standing on the edge of the trampoline? Um, hello. When did she turn 12? So grown up!!!!

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