So, now that the nightmare of last weekend is behind us. Let’s move forward with all of the great things January has held for our family, mmkay? Because there has been lots of it.
Like, leaving our Christmas decorations up until February, lol.
And playing in giant cardboard boxes. (who even needs all of the new christmas present tho)
Saturday trips to Sam’s for groceries and cheap pizza dinners afterwards.
Monday mornings at Classical Conversations.
Early morning Starbucks runs: coffee for Mom, Classical Conversations review for Abigail (and Mabel, let’s be honest)
Walks around the neighborhood when the sun is shining and the weather permits!
Snuggles on the couch and LOTS of Daniel Tiger (it is January, after all)
Weekly piano lessons for Miss Abigail (which she is rocking! yay!)
Afternoon baths when you need a time out 😉
The occasional Target run/ latte stop / cake pop extravaganza.
Always stealing sisters snack cup!
Definitely not enough stuffed animals. Definitely not. (but this means I was actually cleaning her bedding so- go team)
It’s always quiet at our house.
And I just realized Jim isn’t in any of these pictures lol. When January is 10,000 days long and you’re home all day- I guess this is what happens, ha! He is around too- working at the office and working on his flip project.
Boom. January.
I’m lurking in the background picking up the Christmas decorations!