
Life With The Girls

Our days in this season of life have been slow and unscheduled, but so completely full. Our calendar looms empty for the most part, which I kind of love. We thrive in a low key, slow paced daily routine and don’t fill our days running from this errand to that. We keep to home, keep things simple, and enjoy each other. So much.

I spend as much time as I can holding this rapidly growing little girl. Even since this picture those legs have grown and that belly has blossomed. She’s chunking up right quick and I love every single ounce of her.

We also spend plenty of time helping Miss Mabel build up her head and neck strength. She kind of loves tummy time and I’m thoroughly convinced that once she can roll over that she’ll be a tummy sleeper.

The two hour nap she took on her tummy(supervised!) on the living room floor the other day is a pretty good indicator of that….

Sometimes after particularly long nights I get lucky and snag a nap on the couch with the littlest.

And sometimes Jim is around to capture it on camera.

We might not get out much, but that doesn’t stop us(them) from getting dolled up and looking oh so cute!

When Daddy gets home in the evenings there’s usually some epic wrestling sessions(him and Abigail) and some major snuggles(all four of us). Plus, the occasional selfie.

We read lots and lots of books and play in both of the girls rooms all day long….and also migrate into the kitchen and living room….

My workout crew keeps me motivated and simultaneously adds an extra layer of challenge and distraction.

One of the perks of working out is that Abigail has discovered how talented she is at performing knee circles.

If the weather permits, we like to walk to the park at the back of our subdivision. I can’t wait for fall weather temps to be able to go whenever we feel like it!

Mabel clearly disagrees.

You’ve gotta be kitten me with this cuteness!!

After Mabel’s early morning feeding, I always pull her into bed with me and snuggle with her as long as time permits. Sometimes we get lucky and get to for a few hours, sometimes it’s only a few minutes before big sister busts in ready for breakfast. Either way, it’s so special. I love keeping my babies close!

Sometimes we get invited to Pride and Prejudice themed birthday parties! Abigail gets to hang with Dad and do cool things like play in the sprinkler, and I take Mabel with me for tea and mini foods.

This sweet face greets me in the morning and is just about the last thing I see before I close my eyes in sleep at night. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

This summer has been about the happiest summer I have ever had and my two girls are the #1 reason for that!

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  1. We are so the same way, I am looking forward to spending the winter at home with my babies 🙂 It's the best job in the world, isn't it? Mabel is getting so big! 🙂 Love your girls, they're so sweet!

  2. YES! Enjoy the full days, they are seriously gone in the blink of an eye. You just described our summer last year with a newborn. So many great memories that I can now relive through you (without the dreaded "side effects" haha 😉

  3. Story of my life… Kensington and I NEVER go anywhere (we're homebodys) but I always dress her up. I figure that she's kind of like a little doll of mine! 😉 I love this post and all the pictures of your littles!

  4. So, when they put R on my chest right after I delivered, she was already holding her head up! The doctor was like ??? When we're trying to burp her she legit raises her head and looks around, and she's rolled over (front to back) 3 times already! We're not sure what the deal is but it cracks us up. Glad you've had a fun summer. Your posts always make me jealous that I have to go back to work… Even though I love my job and think I might go a tad crazy being a SAHM, you make it sound and look like such fun.

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