Spena Baby 24 Weeks

I know these posts might seem and feel quite redundant, but I really, really love recording as much as I can about this pregnancy. I never did this with Abigail and SO wish that I had. I would have loved to be able to compare my girls and myself, but alas, the old memory will have to serve 🙂 As it is, I adore having a place to put all of my stats, weekly pictures, and thoughts about the current week of pregnancy and I know I will really enjoy looking back on it years from now.

Weight Gain | I’ll find out at my appointment next week. Ruh roh.

Symptoms | It’s only a mild exaggeration to say that I’m constantly peeing. Otherwise, I’m feeling really good and nothing out of the ordinary is going on!

Stretch Marks | Nothing new I think. I acquired a few on my love handles with Abigail but they turned light pretty fast. I’m hoping to luck out in that department again but I’m also not holding my breath. I told Jim last night that if he happens to notice any new stretch marks on my backside, do me a favor and don’t tell me about it. I don’t even want to know.

Belly Button | Definitely still an innie! My belly button never popped out last time, it just kind of….flattened. Hoping for more of the same again, but as always, you never know!

Cravings/Aversions | I want to annihilate a bag of chocolate chips, but I refuse to buy any so that I won’t. For anyone who knows me, chocolate is not really my thing. At all. I do salty snacks, vanilla, or peanut butter…no chocolate. So yeah, wanting to eat chocolate chips all day long is pretty unusual 🙂

Missing Most | I pinned like 10 margarita recipes the other day. That says a lot.

Size Of Baby | Cantaloupe or Ear Of Corn. Lolwut?

Movement | Plenty of it! She particularly likes to party first thing in the morning, around 10 am, 3pm, dinner time, and then right before bed around 10:30/11:00 pm. She’ll move if I poke at her anytime but I can always count on her to get movin around those times.

Sleep | I really need to invest in a sleep pillow or something. I can not stop sleeping on my back. I start out on my side and always always wake up flat on my back. Then I get really anxious and paranoid about her and can’t fall back asleep until I feel her move and know that she’s okay. Rinse and repeat. So I need something to help barricade me in and keep me from rolling onto my back.

Clothing | Mostly maternity though I have gotten creative with some non maternity items this week. Which has been fun! I also discovered a black pair of leggings in a drawer that were super stretchy so I’m hoping to maybe put together some outfits with those soon.

Gender | A little miss! Mabel Elizabeth.

Purchases | No purchases this week, but I’m constantly looking at the Freshly Picked website trying to decide which color her first pair of moccs should be. Did you see they just released the new color Birch in their crib moccs today?? I’m thinking those might be the winners…..but it feels impossible to choose! 🙂

Nursery | The paint colors are selected, the room is emptied, now Abigail and I just need to head to Phoenix so Jim can paint it!

Best Part Of The Week | On Sunday morning, I was sitting waiting for music practice to start(Jim and I both play on the worship team at church) and Mabel was sleeping. Suddenly, one of the guitars started playing and the volume had been left turned up super loud. Mabel was sleeping no longer! She started flailing and bouncing around in there and I adored it because I just got to experience her being startled. Her ears work! Yay!

Can’t Wait For | I’m taking my very first ever trip to IKEA on Saturday! I’m hoping to find some really awesome things for the house but I’m also keeping my eyes peeled for some great additions to Mabel’s nursery! IKEA lovers, any product recommendations? I’m super excited!

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  1. So, I love your belly updates. Everyone who doesn't can get over it 🙂

    Also, my belly button never popped with Abbie either, just got flat like yours. It was weird…but it was probably the cleanest my belly button was in years since I could actually get in there properly. Gross? Probably. #sorryboutthat

    And Ikea is amazing! Abbie's dresser and one of her bookshelves are from there. And a butterfly thing for her wall (which hasn't actually been hung in the new house yet…oops). Make sure you look at the toy section, the wall art, and the lighting – there can be a lot of hidden gems there! The kitchen section is pretty good too with a bunch of gadgets for cheap. Can you tell I love Ikea???

  2. Yay for your first Ikea experience! Wear comfortable shoes and expect some sort of time warp experience once you're in there. 🙂 I got a bunch of the skubb boxes to organize clothes and stuff in our dresser, so I recommend those! And the drono fabric bins are great too. They have so many good organizing things there. Have fun!

  3. So glad you're feeling good–go get you some chocolate chips, girl! 😉 Sleep is my constant struggle, especially now haha. 5lbs of baby resting on all of your organs is no fun, lol! I took a pillow off of our couch to wedge in between my belly and the bed to hold it up and that worked really well!! Those pillows that look like candy canes are really popular, but I don't know that my husband would be a fan of getting kicked out of our bed for a pillow, hahaha.

  4. Yay for Ikea! Prepare to be overwhelmed:) I would recommend checking out their picture frames – I will be picking up a couple of white ones myself to use for some prints I am ordering off Etsy for Vivian's nursery. They are like $6 – super cheap, and look really good on walls or propped on shelves (thanks, Pinterest!) Also, they have these cute little mini galvanized buckets for less than a dollar a pop. I've picked up a few to use for Caleb's crayons, chalk and markers but I think I am going to grab a couple more to use to store bows, pacis and such in Vivi's closet maybe? They are too cute – and so cheap – so I am literally thinking of reasons to buy more, lol!

    And girl, I am with you on the margaritas. Yum. I am not a big drinker, but going for 9-10 months without a frosty beverage or glass of wine is tougher than you'd think!

  5. Love the bump updates!

    As far as IKEA, go in with a laid back attitude. That place is crazy, especially on a Saturday. We love their picture frames. Also, they have votives & tea lights for super cheapo. We also purchased a kids table with 2 chairs for 19.99. Like Jess said, the galvanized buckets are a steal! I have some all over my house, serving all types of different jobs. And their throw pillow covers are great too! Enjoy!

  6. Funny I just went to IKEA yesterday. It was a road trip so Jackie had been cooped up in the car for about 2hrs by then. She was so ready to detach and hang out at Smaland; it's an adult-supervised play area. Anyway IKEA is huge so definitely plan to spend at least 2 hours or more. The shopping carts are fun so be sure to give Abigail a few spins in one. They have a cafeteria and food is cheap so you can eat there too! Be prepared to say no to a lot of things bc you might want to buy everything. Ha! My last piece of advice is to take plenty of measurements inside your house for when you do say yes to frames, lighting, mirrors, furniture, etc! We have the Kallax storage for the playroom, just bought Jackie an easel and heart shaped lamp. We also have one of the kids play tubes and the play kitchen. Have a blast. 🙂

  7. Super cute baby update! I'm 4 weeks behind you and I'm loving reading what other mamas-to-be are experiencing. I'm with you about the body pillow. I keep waking up on my stomach and my husband is terrified that I'm squeezing baby girl.

  8. Have so much fun at ikea! I feel like I find something new each time I visit!

    I hear ya on the missing alcohol. I giggled when I saw you pinned those margs. I can just taste a hard cider and had to take a long glance at the wine when I was in the grocery store last night!

  9. Those new Birch crib moccs – SWOON!!!! I'm desperate to get my hands on a pair of those. Obsessed is an understatement.

    Have fun at IKEA! And good luck restraining yourself from buying ALL THE THINGS! 🙂

  10. you look precious with that perfect bump! and yay for such a good update!! haha.. my belly button didn't pop out last time either! flattened! but i'm a little scared this time around!

  11. We are headed to ikea on Saturday too. Now I'm a little confused. This will be your first trip to ikea on a Saturday or your first trip ever???? I love their baskets and pillow cases for $7!! The accessories are always fun, we are focusing on bathroom stuff. I decided I want mirrored medicine cabinets so we are checking those out as well as some potential closet organization!! Oh and picture frames always come home with us every trip with out fail!!!

  12. You look beautiful! I love these updates and following along! You'll love Ikea. It is a little overwhelming the first trip but so many cool things!

  13. Love these updates. It's so great writing things down so you'll be able to look back on it in the years to come. And I'm the same way about sleeping! I should probably get a pillow or something.

  14. You are going to LOVE IKEA!! I adore their kids section – finger puppets, cute dinner ware, wooden toys and more. Check out the organizers in the laundry section, their candles are SUPER affordable and don't forget to stock up on straws and colored napkins. Oh how I miss having an IKEA close by 🙂

  15. I love belly updates 🙂 I wish I would have done them with Scarlett more frequently and I didn't do stats. Definitely changing that next time 🙂 You're looking lovely as always!

  16. My girls used to dance when Bri would lead worship at Church–so awesome 🙂 Also– DANG girl you look good! So teeny! I'm getting ready to do some quilting and I was wondering if you ever found one you loved for Miss Mabel?

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