16 Months Of Mabel!

I thought I was done doing monthly updates after I wrote Mabel’s 1 year update, but I changed my mind! I recently happened to stumble upon Abigail’s 17 month update(the first one I ever wrote!) and I had SO much fun reading it that I just knew I needed to write one for Mabesy. So here we go, 16 months of Mabel!

This little girl has changed SO CRAZY MUCH in the 4 months since my last update. So, so much.

Size: Mabel is currently wearing 18-24 month size clothes but is rapidly moving into 2T. Everything I’m getting her for fall and winter is 2T. Which is just crazy to me! She is in size 5 diapers still and grew TWO shoe sizes this summer! She went from a 3 to a 5.

Weight: We had a checkup at 15 months to get some shots(and meet a new pediatrician!) so we got to find out how big Mabel was. She weighed in at 20 lb 6 oz and was 30.5 inches tall(long?) That kind of puts her in the middle of the pack size wise, like 30-40ish percentile range.

Teeth: SO! A few days before her 1st birthday she got her very first teeth. She had gone her entire first year with zero teeth and then…they erupted. By 14 months, she had TWELVE teeth. Allow me to repeat, she got TWELVE TEETH in less than two months.

And has since grown two more!

So, we’re currently sitting at 14 teeth at 16 months, though I wouldn’t be surprised if she got her next two (bottom) canines pretty soon as well.

Eating: With all those chompers, Miss Mabel loves to eat! She eats basically anything we give her. I just fix our three meals a day and she gobbles it up with a heavy helping of goldfish/puffs/beanies and milk in between.

We’re still breastfeeding! I don’t know for how much longer, it has definitely tapered off. It really ramped up a TON right around her 1st birthday, but now I realize that is because her mouth was literally erupting with all of those teeth. Now she only nurses when she wakes up, after she gets up from her nap, and before she goes to bed.

Just a week ago Jim put her to bed for the VERY FIRST TIME. I had a ladies fellowship that was around her bedtime, so I went to that and he put her to bed for me. He said she did great, so it has been pretty awesome to now have a little bit of freedom again in the evenings if I need it. I’m still super proud that I nursed her and put her to bed every single night for 16 months though!

Favorites: Some of her favorite foods are puffs, fishies(gold fish), steamed broccoli(parent win!), BREAD(say it just like the Oprah commercial), strawberries, pizza, spaghetti, peaches, salmon, sausage, and her mama milk.

Sleep: I think we have finally arrived, y’all! She naps for about 2 hours every afternoon immediately after lunch and she goes to bed at 7:30. I’ve tried pushing her back to 8 but she just can’t hang! She gets up for the day around 7 and has finally consistently been sleeping all the way through. (She has only started this since getting home from vacation)

Words: Mabel has recently had a verbal explosion! She says mama, hi, bye, hot, yuck, bath, yeah, choo choo, banana, tick tock, and lots of animal sounds! She does cat, dog, snake, cow, horse, and flaps her arms when we see a bird(my personal favorite)

Signs: She regularly signs milk, more please, thank you, all done, hi, bye, and blows kisses. She shakes her head yes and no and will also do this thing where she holds up both hands to ask, “Where’d it go?” Love!

One of my favorite things is when I tell her it is time to go “night, night” she will wave bye bye and blow everyone kisses. It is the best!


Movement: When we headed to my parents house at the beginning of July, Mabel was still doing her signature scoot and slide to get around. But my parents have carpet on their floors so she quickly learned that her scoot and slide was not as advantageous as on our wood floors at home! So she started crawling the “traditional” way on all fours and got to be SO fast while we were there. Then, the night before we flew home in the middle of August(right at 15 months) she took her very first steps!

Now that we are home, she is toddling around quite a bit. She still crawls regularly(because she thinks it is faster) but she will stand up and dance and cruise around all of the furniture and walls and walk from place to place. It is fantastic.

Loves: Mabel LOVES, I mean, LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She even sings along at the end- kills me!! She also loves the Snapchat filters, bath time, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, bath time, her pacifiers(oh my word, still so addicted), playing outside, Mr. Brown Can Moo and The Very Busy Spider are two of her very favorite books.


Dislikes: Mabel is much more shy and reserved than her big sister, Abigail. It makes her really nervous to be around a lot of people, so she doesn’t like to be put down when there is a big group and she gets upset when I drop her off in the nursery(something that Abigail has NEVER cared about!) Mabel also does the little kid, hide her face in my legs/shoulder/whatever when she gets kind of scared and embarrassed. She dislikes having to wait to eat her bread at dinner time and she gets SUPER mad when Abigail won’t respect her personal space. She loves having Abigail around but excessive hugs/kisses/talking make her mad quickly! #littlesisterprobs

All in all, Miss Mabel is essentially the best little girl ever ever ever! It is crazy to me just how DIFFERENT she is than her sister. How different they look and act, but how much we love them both so, so intensely.

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Happy 16 months, Mabel!


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  1. awww i’m glad you brought these back because i love reading about the girls! that sounds creepy but you know what i mean. i laughed at her getting mad at abigail’s excessive attention! hilarious. poor abigail 😉 that ponytail is the cutest thing i have ever, ever, ever seen. i looked back at abigail’s 17 month update too, so cute! how fun that you have these to look back on.

  2. I’m sooo jealous of Jim being able to put Mabel to sleep AND of her sleeping through the night! Finn at least has a good 2-3 nap down now, so perhaps things will start improving in the evenings too.

  3. I’m not sure Chris has ever put Aria to sleep solo. Just one of those things I can’t miss..ever!!! It does sound nice in theory and omg he will when I go deliver this baby. I keep forgetting about that. I don’t think she will have any issues about it, but man will I miss it =( Annnnnyways, I’m sure you will be glad to have a few month updates here and there to look back on. I wish my first with Aria were more detailed.

  4. TWELVE teeth in two months? God bless you.
    We’ve drastically tapered in the nursing department, and I’m so much more emotional about it than I expected. Going from all.the.feedings. to no more than three a day is such a change!
    Cheers to 16 months, Miss Mabel!

  5. She’s the cutest!! I can’t believe all the milestones she knocked off in just a few months. The teeth one kills me – that’s a whole lotta teeth for one little girl. She’s a trooper!

  6. I love this little update. And that picture of Mabel in her crib, surrounded by pacifiers cracked me up. I so wish my little man took a pacifier. I swear it makes them sleep better (at least my child that took a pacifier was by far my best sleeper). And all those teeth coming in so quickly. Wowsers!

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