8 Years

6 years

7 years

A lot has happened in our marriage over the last 8 years. Too many things to list, even on my own blog. But one thing that has happened, that is more important than all the rest, is that our love for each other has only grown and deepened year by year. It allows us to be those annoying people who say, “I love you now so much more than I ever did on our wedding day!” Who could have thought THAT was possible? But it is.
Our love story is special. Our love story is unique. Our love story waited and waited and even when we thought we were done with waiting, we learned that waiting is something we will always get to do together. Our love story is a gift. And during a time of year, so filled with reflecting on gifts, I’m so thankful that we get a chance to celebrate the best one God has blessed us with. Each other.

Happy Anniversary, love.


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  1. Happy anniversary, sweet Courtney! Wishing you many more years of wedded bliss:) And totally know what you mean – I definitely love B now more than I ever thought possible on our wedding day. Such a blessing!

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