Cheering For The Royals!

{The past two years of Abigail cheering for the Royals: here}
Monday was opening day!
My best friend & Abigail’s Auntie Lauren got her this awesome Alex Gordon Royals shirt for her birthday this year. Monday was absolutely the perfect day to break it out!
It’s still a wee bit on the big side so I had to do the Kristen Stewart{bleh} ponytail side t-shirt tie and roll up the sleeves a little. Otherwise it was perfect!
Unfortunately they lost but we have high, high hopes for our upcoming season{as always}
They really are a great team to root for, their stadium is amazing, and we love all of our players! We’re so looking forward to catching our first game of the season{hopefully soon!!}


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  1. We still have to find Sydney a brewers shirt. But I can't wait to dress her up and hopefully take her to a game his year. We have waited his long because we want to all be able to enjoy the game and not have to walk around and miss most of it because she isn't entertained. Isn't it the cutest thing when a toddler roots for a team! Sydney was adorable in her packer jersey this fall/winter! Summer sports are so much more fun!

  2. Oh my word, she is so cute! Love the outfit. I've never been to a Royals game but have heard really great things. I'm a Cards fan, but my little brother lives in KC and loves going to Royals games. Good luck this season!

  3. She is pretty much the most adorable thing I've seen all day. What a stunning little girl 🙂

  4. She is so adorable! What a good little photo model 🙂 so well behaved! Mason usually runs away lol. We, too, were excited for baseball season to start…though we were wearing our Angels shirts instead. They also lost though so I guess the season can only get better from here, right?

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