Kid’s Garage Sale

I shared in this post last year about Abigail’s first garage sale- and this girl is officially hooked. She is our serial entrepreneur- always coming up with new business ideas and always looking for ways to make a dollar (or many dollars). When we discovered that our city does a semi-annual event for kids, we knew it would be perfect for her! (and we were right)

She participated solo last spring, but brought Mabel with her last fall and they just had their spring event a few weekends ago!

It was a massive success- she sold almost every. single. item. she took with her AND she was interviewed by our local news station. You can click here to read the article or to watch her actual interview! (two of Abigail’s favorite things- making money AND being an expert about it)

I’ve been in the process of decluttering (I love 40 bags in 40 days and participate every year!) so this coincides perfectly with that. It’s great to go through the girls room (and the sun room) to find items they don’t need or use anymore- and do something better with them instead! (I’ll be sharing more about spring cleaning and decluttering soon….I hope)

Anyway, Jim let them each buy something and as he tells the story- from across the room they asked if Mabel could buy this $5 pink bear. Jim thought that seemed like a steep price but ultimately decided it was their money and if she really wanted it….she could buy it. Well, imagine his surprise when the $5 bear came out of the bin it was being held in and he saw this walking toward him

this thing is literally taller than Mabel

He said she was sitting in her seat (with the bear beside her) absolutely wiggling and squealing in delight and excitement sharing over and over again about how “proud Mom was going to be that I got this pink bear”

So very proud.

Come to the kid’s garage sale this fall! Buy a $5 pink bear! (he’ll be lucky if he lasts that long….)

Until next fall…..or Abigail’s next business idea 😉

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