Spena Baby Week 28: Hello Third Trimester!
There’s a basketball inside my Missouri Southern football hoodie(that I’ve had for a lifetime)! There’s also a double chin and jiggly thighs, but let’s just pretend we can’t see those. Mmkay?
Weight Gain | I’ll find out on Wednesday! Trying not to obsess or worry about it, but those double double’s had to go somewhere, right? They probably just went straight to the plump up Mabel and not her mother cause. Probably.
Symptoms | Peeeeing alllllll the time. But that’s it!
Craving | Hmm, still my beloved hamburgers and broccoli and also chocolate chips. Mostly my appetite is exactly the same as always so I don’t particularly “crave” anything, but those three items always sound extra good.
Size Of Baby | A large eggplant! Wow! Getting to be a big girl. Abigail says she can’t wait for her to be a watermelon, lol.
Movement | Plenty! I have yet to have an opportunity to worry about her. As soon as I sit down or think about it, there she is moving away. Sometimes I think she can read my mind 😉
Sleep | Really great! Actually much better than first trimester and early second. I had growing pains or something that made sleep fairly uncomfortable in the beginning, but I’m in a good place right now where I just snuggle onto my side and then I am OUT until morning.
Purchases | Nothing this week! *takes a bow*
While we were at my in-laws last weekend we found the bin of itty bitty clothes! Jim had found a few bins of Abigail’s bigger sizes around Christmas but the box of tiny stuff was “missing”. Fortunately he found it this weekend and I had WAY too much fun going through it! A lot of it is the wrong season, some of it was stained, and some of it was just not my style anymore, so I was able to make a big “donate” pile and a big “consignment” sale pile. But, THEN I was able to make and organize a big “Mabel just might get to wear these” (!!!) pile.
Nursery | I’ve been busy planning and pinning away this week. Now that we’re home from Arizona we’re putting the finishing touches on the paint in her room and Jim is finishing up her closet. Once that’s finished I’ll be able to decorate away! Hooray!
Best Part Of The Week | Getting back home to Jim was definitely the best. 10 days was a really long time to be away from my guy! Plus, he spoils me 😉
Can’t Wait For | More nesting, moving to every two week appointments, and hopefully warmer and sunnier weather(but that is probably just wishful thinking).
Ok, a couple things! You look adorable – I see no double chins anywhere, sweet girl! Mabel has definitely gained any weight you've put on;) I am considered anemic right now with Vivian. I can't remember being anemic with Caleb, but I have a tendency towards low iron in general, so it didn't shock me when they told that I was low at my last appointment. My doc just recommended an iron supplement (and a stool softener, joy!) Is that what you will have to do too? Or is there anything else I should be doing? Finally, DON'T get rid of anything that has stains on it!!! I am sharing an amazing stain remover tomorrow on the blog that got rid of stains on some of Caleb's clothing that had been stored for 2 years and that we've been going through recently looking for gender neutral stuff for Vivian! Several things had little yellow stains on them (no idea where they came from!) and I was able to get them all out. So, if you've got some things that you like, but are planning to get rid of due to stains, don't do it! Wait and try my tip first!!! (So funny that you mentioned that today since I had planned on sharing this stain tip tomorrow, lol):) Happy Thursday!
Some people think I'm crazy, but I can't wait for more doctor's appointments, too! I love going and making sure everything is ok! So, from what I've gathered from other moms, Baby #2 is always a mover! Louise DOES NOT stop moving, and I love it. What an amazing miracle, huh? You are looking great!!!!!! Don't even think about those lbs – they are going straight to Mabel!! 😉
You look so great! I feel you though-I seriously pee about 80 times a day at work. Ahhhh such an annoying symptom hahaha!
Wahoo! It's almost time!
You look SO pretty, momma! I seriously can't believe it's 3rd trimester time! The weeks are going to keep flying by!
You look so darn cute! I can't believe you are already in your third trimester! She will be here before you know it! Lol. Ps- I can't wait to see her room!
Good luck with the glucose! So exciting that you found all those old clothes! I have loved looking at Liam's old things and started to put some teeny tiny clothes away again!
Yay third trimester!! You look fabulous, can't wait to meet little Mabel girl! xo
Breaking out the old itsy bitsy clothes previously used is the best! We had some mysterious stains on some of the clothes we had packed away in storage too. So upsetting and equally mind blowing. We literally have no idea where they came from. Even out swing seat had stains. Thankfully, the swing washed clean. You look amazing! Oh and no worries about the double chin, I rock that thing too!
YAY for sweet hubby returns. You are rockin' tri 3 already! xx
haha your no new purchases comment made me laugh out loud! (as well as the peeing- I'm with ya girl!) Glad you are feeling great and can't wait to see how appointment goes next week! xo
Seriously, cutest pregnant lady I know. And how have you already reach the 3rd trimester? Does it seem to be flying by? I feel like you just announced the joyous news!
How cute that Abigail is excited for Mabel to be the size of a watermelon. HA!!
You do NOT have a double chin! 🙂 So if you are anemic how do they treat it? Supplements?
You look SO cute with your baby bump! And yay for itty bitty baby clothes…that is totally one of the best parts of being pregnant!
You look adorable! I was anemic with both kids too. And definitely craved burgers! Love all the itty bitty girl clothes! So much fun dressing a girl. And I can't wait to see nursery pics! Bring on the nesting!
Love that bump!! Loved looking through my first baby's clothes- one of my favourite moments!!
You look absolutely gorgeous! 🙂 I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old at home – and I still have baby fever! 🙂 Brand new follower here – love your blog!
You are too cute! How fun that you found a box of tiny baby clothes and that you will get to use some of them! And yay for the painting being nearly done, I'm sure her nursery will look amazing!
When I first looked at the size of baby I thought it said a large elephant and was like What!??!? Oh an eggplant! Phew that was a close one!
I cannot wait to see how you pull the nursery together and hope that someday I'll get to reuse all of Ellie baby clothes!!
You look great and make the prego sweatshirt combo look super cute! I bet it was fun to go through all the old little bitty clothes! Can't wait to see more nursery progress! Have a great weekend lady 🙂
Third trimester already?!? You're moving right along. I hope she's able to wear some of those cute clothes!