Spena Sisters
I still remember that little feeling of shock that came over me when the ultrasound tech said, “girl. It’s a girl.” because it was something so unknown to me. I don’t have a sister and have a little brother. If Mabel had been a boy, that would have been the exact family dynamic that I have known my whole life. Charted territory. But, as it happens, I’m getting to Lewis & Clark my way through a different family dynamic than I was expecting! (And I’ll get to go through it again if we ever are lucky enough to get to have any more bambinos)
I’m obsessed.
It’s fabulous.
I love having little girls.
They’re so sweet and fun and wonderful and I am all about it. The bows. The dresses. The coordinating. All of it.
So, the sister thing. It’s hilarious because Abigail is all up in Mabel’s business all of the time. And I totally was expecting Abigail to be Mabel’s sun and stars and all of that, but as of yet, she most definitely is not. lol. Mommy and Daddy get the biggest smiles and coos out of Mabesy and Abigail gets blank stares and sometimes I think Mabel’s looking at her and thinking, “whoa.”
But, it’s totally fine because in a very short amount of time I do believe that the roles will reverse and Abigail will get what’s coming to her. 😉
Abigail’s favorite thing is helping with and watching us change Mabel’s poopy diapers. She said it was what she was most looking forward to before she was born and hasn’t wavered in that declaration. So. Whatever kiddo.
Every morning she runs into my room and asks how Mabel is doing?! and, is she awake or asleep?! And can she just see her cute little face!? And can she just give her some kisses?! On the head?!
Mabel never tummy times solo. As soon as I put her on the floor, sister is there patting her head(“Abigail, stop pushing on her head….she’s trying to hold it up, kiddo”), patting her back, cheering her on….all up in her face.
She always makes sure the Rock N Play vibrate function is turned on, rocks it if she thinks she needs rocking, replaces pacifiers that need replacing.
But, I think that’s also because she knows if Mabel is happy in the RNP then Mom is free to do fun Abigail things 😉 Clever girl….
I have two little girls hanging out with me every morning while I get ready.
One is already stealing my makeup.
I know the other one isn’t far behind.
While I never had a sister myself, I always thought it seemed really awesome and I totally wanted to be a part of that special dynamic.
Now I get to.
And I was right.
It is really awesome.
My sister is 11 years younger. I have 2 brothers between, and i specifically remember the moment I found out my mom had a girl and I would have a sister. I ran around the house screaming with excitement! Your two will have so much fun together 🙂
They are so cute together! It sounds like Abigail is already a great helper (minus the head-patting during tummy time, lol), and they are going to be great playmates! I have a younger sister and we always played together growing up- it was great!
This is the sweetest! I have 3 (yes, 3!!) sisters and my youngest is only 18 months behind me! I'll be honest that having sisters was kind of crazy (SO much drama), but now my little sister and I are the best of friends and basically inseparable! Something tells me that Mabel and Abigail are gonna grow up loving each other! 🙂
How sweet is this post. I have a sister and can't imagine life without her. I have a little boy now and the chance of me having 'sister daughters' is slim, but it is so so fun to see this dynamic in other families! Your girls are adorable!
And look at you! Such an amazing girl mom! I only have sisters so I secretly (when the time comes which it totally wont for a LONG time) want another girl! I wouldn't know what to do with a boy!
I'm the oldest and only have brothers and growing up I never wanted a sister but now that I'm older, I think the pros outweigh the cons.
I can't wait to see their relationship grow and flourish. You are one blessed Momma.
This is the sweetest and makes me extra mush since my sissy is my bffie!!! Your girls are going to love going back and reading this over and over again in years to come! xx
aw Abigail is such a sweet big sister! I can't wait to see how Mabel is as she gets older.
I don't have a sister (well, technically half sisters but I didn't grow up with them) so I would be in uncharted territory with more than one girl as well. guess we'll see what happens lol
I always wanted a sister! Your girls will be so lucky to have each other!
You are such a blessed mama!!! They are seriously so precious. You can tell Mabel has an amazing big sis 🙂
YES to all of it! I also had a little brother but wished for a sister (before he came, he's an awesome brother, wouldnt trade him for the world lol) But raising sisters has to be even better 🙂 They are so darling, Courtney!
Aww! Such beautiful girls! My sister & I are 6 years apart, she's older. We were always fairly close growing up, but nothing like it's been since she's moved to MN. We talk at least 3-4 times a week & text almost every day!
So many sweet sister pictures! I love how she was excited about changing diapers haha.
Aww! So much fun!! How cute is Abigail?! What a great big sis. And how hilarious that she was excited about dirty diapers. haha! My husband and I are both only children, but we want a bigger family. I hope our kiddos have a good bond like that!
Haha, yes, the rock n' play vibration was ALWAYS on with Wyatt around!! So glad she's such a great big sister! Totally wish I had someone who wanted to change dirty diapers, haha!
Sisters are the best! I'm so glad you get to raise two sweet little girls and I'm sure they will the best of friends! These pictures melt my heart! Their relationship is already so sweet.
Two girls is such a blessing. Abigail seems to be the perfect big sis. 🙂
Two girls is such a blessing. Abigail seems to be the perfect big sis. 🙂
These two little ladies of yours are just the sweetest. I adore what a great big sister Abigail is (and she can totally come and change all the poopy diapers that will be happening in our house soon)!
I always dreamed of having a sister. Those little girls sure are lucky to have each other!
Oh my gosh, I LOVE this! Seriously Abigail looks like the best big sister! I love that she is so interested in what Mabel is doing and if she is awake or asleep and then giving her spoons to play with LOL. And seriously, whatever floats her boat… maybe you should teach her how to change the poopy diapers and you can just supervise 🙂
Super sweet! Only child over here. I'd be in total no man's land, having no clues. I just love seeing it all over blogland though.
Yessss Lily always turns the vibrate function on as well! She leaves her mark, so ibalways know where she's been! They are so sweet together.
I love this so! Sisters can be the bees knees but if their relationship isn't managed well in the beginning there can be a lot of heartache as they get older (speaking from experience). Sounds like you're off to a great start and I know your girls are going to be besties!!
It looks like they already have an incredible bond! So sweet! XOXO