
Moms, Your Knowledge Is Power

This post is sponsored by Evivo, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Pregnancy and childbirth is SUCH a miracle! I have been so incredibly blessed and thankful to get to experience it three times now.

I have learned first hand how beautiful it can be, but also how scary and unknown it can be as well.

For me, the very best way to combat fear of the unknown is to face it square in the face and learn absolutely everything that I can about it!

I know that for a lot of people, when it comes to pain in labor, delivery, and recovery, sticking their head in the sand and pretending that it doesn’t exist makes them feel better- but I can tell you, that knowing what you’re going to experience and how YOU will want to handle it, makes all of the difference.

The very best things you can do are:

Talk to your Doctor- there is no such thing as a silly question!

Talk to your trusted friends and family- my Mom is my saving grace!

Read as many books, watch as many documentaries, and stay away from Dr. Google as much as you can!

Some of the things you will want to educate yourself on:

Where you want to deliver your baby (you have a choice!)

What you want your dream birth experience to look like, what you need to achieve it, who you want to be present, and if it is possible/realistic.

When to go to the hospital(or call your midwife!) and your plans for pain management(and their side effects)

What you wish to happen to you and to baby after delivery (cord, vaccinations, bath, feeding, nursery time, photos, etc) and continued pain management for you.

What things will happen during your hospital stay.

Another thing to educate yourself on is your baby’s gut health. Today, only 1 in 10 U.S. babies born have the important B. infantis strain of bacteria. This is incredibly important because when an infant’s gut isn’t populated with B. infantis, your baby is greatly susceptible to developing colic, eczema, allergies, asthma and diabetes.

To reverse this trend, a team of doctors and scientists found a way to repopulate the infant gut with these good bacteria.

Enter: the first and only baby probiotic of its kind, Evivo! Evivo is a once daily baby probiotic intended to restore baby’s gut with the good bacteria that it needs to thrive.

Evivo is a daily probiotic powder that you mix with breast milk and feed to your baby. It helps release nutrients in breast milk to create a protective internal environment in your baby’s gut. It also helps develop your baby’s metabolism and immune system and builds the foundation for good health that can last a lifetime.

Evivo is clinically proven to restore B. infantis to baby’s gut, while reducing the potentially harmful bacteria linked to colic, eczema, allergies, diabetes and obesity by 80%. When more good bacteria is present in the gut, it creates a strong, protective wall and crowds out the bad bacteria.

It’s no wonder that Evivo is the best probiotic for babies!

Want to try Evivo? Use code BLOG7201 for $10 off an Evivo Probiotics Starter Kit of 4 weeks or more!

Or, use code BLOG7202 for $20 off a 12, 20, or 24-week starter kit!

Codes will expire 6/30/18 or after 50 redemptions.

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  1. “when it comes to pain in labor, delivery, and recovery, sticking their head in the sand and pretending that it doesn’t exist makes them feel better” <— me 100% lol! 😉

  2. Can I just say that it sounds so foreign to me reading babies gut. I think of them as this like pure little being that is 100% equipped. But our diets, etc have changed so much as population as a whole I can believe they don’t have all the good bacteria needed.

  3. these photos are STUNNING!!! miracle indeed!! i am sooooooo glad that probiotics are getting more prevalent and available these days!!! sooo important, esp for babies!! way to go, mama!! these look like an amazing option for tiny ones! when my last one was born i had a hard time finding the perfect thing to give him. thank goodness there are more options now!

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